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[Finished]Ultimate cards(just like the egyptian god cards)

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Hello hello hello...
Your mission is to create an ultimate card which could stand the egypt. god cards.PLEASE dont do effects like:"when this card is summoned you win the match" or something like that.They have to be balanced.You dont need a permission to join this contest.Its free for every one.The important points are:Balance(max.30),effectiveness(max.30),and effect grammar(max.30 points)
Max.90 points.The jury is a team of YGO Experts.Everyone can partizipate so start NOW.:)

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heres mine


Requires 4 tributes to normal summon. If this cards summon is negated destroy all cards on the field and gain x100 life points for every card destroyed. This card can only be destroyed by battle. Once per duel you can discard your hand to get a dark hole from your deck to your hand. This card gains 500 attack and defense for every card in the graveyard.


Hello hello hello...
Your mission is to create an ultimate card which could stand the egypt. god cards.PLEASE dont do effects like:"when this card is summoned you win the match" or something like that.They have to be balanced.You dont need a permission to join this contest.Its free for every one.The important points are:Balance(max.30),effectiveness(max.30),and effect grammar(max.30 points)
Max.90 points.The jury is a team of YGO Experts.Everyone can partizipate so start NOW. :)

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Cannot be Special Summoned. Requires 3 Tributes to Normal Summon (cannot 
be Normal Set).  This card's Normal Summon cannot be negated. When this Card is on the field All monster Effects Cannot be activated this Turn, You can Tribute 1 monster; destroy all monsters your opponent controls.
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It just says "can stand up to egypt god cards", right? Well then. [spoiler=Black Beast] Black Beast DARK/Fiend/Level 4/1900 ATK/1750 ATK Negate the effects of all level 7 or higher Monsters on the field and the graveyard. During either player's turn: You can tribute this card; target and banish 1 level 7 or higher monster on the field. [/spoiler] Simple, effective, and takes care of E-Drags. Kinda weak against Xyz and stuff, but, hey. You can't have everything.

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It just says "can stand up to egypt god cards", right? Well then.

[spoiler=Black Beast]
Black Beast
DARK/Fiend/Level 4/1900 ATK/1750 ATK
Negate the effects of all level 7 or higher Monsters on the field and the graveyard. During either player's turn: You can tribute this card; target and banish 1 level 7 or higher monster on the field.

Simple, effective, and takes care of E-Drags. Kinda weak against Xyz and stuff, but, hey. You can't have everything.

Wow...bravo. Honestly the best out of all the cards posted here as of the moment. Nice job.

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Requires 3 Tributes to Normal Summon (cannot be Normal Set) and cannot be summoned in other ways. This card's Normal summon cannot be negated, and it is unaffected by other card effects while face-up on the field. When this card is Normal Summoned card's ATK and DEF become equal to the difference in both players' Life Points. Once per duel, while this card is face-up on the field you can make both player's Life Points equal 8000. Shuffle this card into the deck during your 3rd End Phase after it was Normal Summoned.

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This monster can only be Special Summoned by banishing 3 monsters from your graveyard. This monster gains 1000 ATK and DEF for every banished monster from your graveyard. When a monster on your side of the field is destroyed as a result of battle, this monster loses 1000 ATK and DEF. Once per turn: you may banish up to 3 monsters from your graveyard.

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If your opponent controls a monster and you control no monsters, you can Special Summon this card (from your hand). Each Monster on the field gain the following effect: ..If there is no face-up Field Spell Card on the field, remove this Card from play..
Once per turn you can destroy a face up Field Spell Card.

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here is my card


card text: this card can only be summoned by removing from play all other monsters in your hand on the field on the graveyard in your extra deck or in your deck this card gains x500 atk for each moster removed this way. this card can only be destroyed by battle. as long as this card is on the field there is no limit to the number of monsters you can have on the field and one per turn you can speacial summon one of your removed from play dragon type monsters.

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First I should say, that your english isn`t the best.(my`s too)

I think, you`re right, it is a little bit overpowered.


It has many formulations, which I don`t fully understand.

For example: "removing from play all other monsters in your hand on the field". Means that all Monsters, so the Monster of your Opponent too?

Could you formulate it a bit clearer please?

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Cannot be Normal Summoned/Set. Must be Special Summoned (from your hand) by banishing all monsters you control, and cannot be Special Summoned by other ways. This card's Special Summon cannot be negated. You cannot Summon or Set other monsters the turn you Summon this card. This card's original ATK is equal to the number of monsters banished x1000. When this card is Summoned, banish all cards on your opponent's side of the field. Cards and effects cannot be activated in response to this effect's activation.

No, in all seriousness, shame on all of you. Well, except for Toyo and Maxxion, although I would have preferred a report if they wanted this dealt with more swiftly.
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