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Grandox Rabbit

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I forgot how to original deck ideas.

3 | Grandsoil the Elemental Lord      (These two guys really help to set up plays. Redox lets you manipulate

3 | Redox, Dragon Ruler of Boulders   the graveyard really well, which helps to (ab)use Grandsoil.)


3 | Sabersaurus                       (Pretty standard. You can get Rabbits into the graveyard to revive with

2 | Rescue Rabbit                     Card Trooper, and Sabersaurus is the best Level 4 EARTH vanilla.)


2 | Card Trooper                      (Trooper really helps to manipulate the graveyard - it can contribute a 

2 | Maxx "C"                          LOT on turn one, as well as going for a mill-2 to try and get one more

3 | Cardcar D                         EARTH. Cardcar is standard as an EARTH monster with draw power.

3 | Psychic Commander                 Psychic Commander is a Psychic-type Tuner with reasonable stats.)


2 | Forbidden Lance

2 | Emergency Teleport

2 | Pot of Duality


1 | Dark Hole

1 | Heavy Storm

1 | Monster Reborn

1 | Mystical Space Typhoon


1 | Solemn Judgment
1 | Solemn Warning
2 | Bottomless Trap Hole
2 | Torrential Tribute
2 | Compulsory Evacuation Device
1 | Dimensional Prison
1 | Starlight Road
1 | Celestial Dragon
1 | Stardust Dragon
1 | Black Rose Dragon
1 | Naturia Beast
1 | Naturia Barkion
1 | Naturia Landoise

2 | Evolzar Laggia
1 | Evolzar Dolkka
1 | Gagaga Cowboy
1 | Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

1 | Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 | Wind-Up Zenmaines
1 | Mecha Phantom Beast Dracossack

So, this deck just derps everywhere. Long story short, you play slightly defensively to start then explode into an OTK field between Redoxes and Grandsoils, usually using a Naturia synchro and/or Laggia to defend while you do. Redox plays a brilliant role in being a Reborn, as well as a great wall, and a potential Dracossack material.

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