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Atlus corp is going bankrupt :/


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Title has the news.  Good news, however, is that Atlus is looking for a sponsor, and Nintendo is geared to aquire them.  So at least I have faith that they won't die.  THEY STILL ARE DOING PROJECTS FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!


Discuss the potential effects if they get bankrupt and/or if they are aquired by a different studio.

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Not Atlus, I love their games. D:


However, if Nintendo does acquire them I think that'd be quite good.


I really hope Nintendo buys them as well.  They are already making two major projects with them, and they would be ruined if any other company would aquire them.

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Oh please no. Atlus is my waifu. Nintendo save us.


Seriously though, Nintendo should and probably will. Seeing as they got Bayonetta 2 outta the trash, I don't put it past them to acquire this company.


And you know what this means right? Catherine for next Smash Bros.

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ATLUS NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T STOP MAKING SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI/PERSONA/OTHER SMT SPINOFFS THEY'RE THE ONLY REASON I CONSIDER MYSELF A GAMER THESE DAYS. Really hoping that if Nintendo accepts them, the religious symbolism and dark atmosphere doesn't go away in future games. I wanna be able to fight Satan and Lucifer again D:

Don't know who Catherine is, but I'm all for Laharl for Smash Bros.

Laharl is Nippon Ichi Software actually, not Atlus(Would be awesome as hell though).
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ATLUS NOOOOOO PLEASE DON'T STOP MAKING SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI/PERSONA/OTHER SMT SPINOFFS THEY'RE THE ONLY REASON I CONSIDER MYSELF A GAMER THESE DAYS. Really hoping that if Nintendo accepts them, the religious symbolism and dark atmosphere doesn't go away in future games. I wanna be able to fight Satan and Lucifer again D:

Laharl is Nippon Ichi Software actually, not Atlus(Would be awesome as hell though).


You would be surprised how lenient Nintendo is with that kind of stuff when their developers make M-rated titles.  Bayo 2 and Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem are major citations.

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Read somewhere that the American branch was unaffected. I'll try to find the link.


EDIT: http://kotaku.com/atlus-usa-says-theyre-currently-unaffected-by-financ-603125225


Not the one I read but w/e. Basically, they are not affected because they don't make games, only localize and distribute. lol


They won't be able to localize and distribute games if their japanese counterparts are unable to make games.  However, that must mean that they will find some other company to affiliate with if the japanese branch is closed.  Though, I'm glad that this doesn't affect Shin Megami Tensei IV's release.

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Don't know who Catherine is

One of the greatest games ever/The title character




Since Nintendo and Atlus are doing the whole Shin Megami Tensei x Fire Emblem thing, I'd assume they already have some sort of partnership going on. I wouldn't be surprised if they pick them up.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't think I've actually played an Atlus game before, but hey, if this results from Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem, I'm all for it.

So Devil Survivor? It's pretty much the same play style as Fire Emblem, just not mid-evil or whatever.


More importantly, how the hell is Atlus going outof business? As far as I know, their games are still selling the same as usual and I don't know if they had part in the Devil Survivor 2 anime, but that did fairly well. Maybe they have a secret pit where they just throw money into all day till they realise they're broke.


EDIT: Oh, and Roxas, I'm making it my mission to send you every Shin Megami Tensei game out there now... So check your mail ._.

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More importantly, how the hell is Atlus going outof business? As far as I know, their games are still selling the same as usual and I don't know if they had part in the Devil Survivor 2 anime, but that did fairly well. Maybe they have a secret pit where they just throw money into all day till they realise they're broke.


Because Atlus is part of a bigger organization called Index Corp, which is going under in bankrupcy.  As a result, the japanese developer is going bankrupt.

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Because Atlus is part of a bigger organization called Index Corp, which is going under in bankrupcy.  As a result, the japanese developer is going bankrupt.


Alright, that makes more sense now. See, I was wondering how it was possible since they just released a new anime, and Devil Summoner: Soul Hackers came out like a month ago. Then there's the whole Persona 3 movie and the fact that Persona 5 was "announced" a year or two ago. Announced here, being used loosely, as we still know less than nothing about it.

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What could possibly make you think I'd start with Devil Survivor? :3 Well, my birthday is in a little over two weeks, so it would be nice to get Overclocked by then.

Index was engaging in fraudulent practices, so now it's biting them in the ass.

Oh, and Persona 5 got trademarked recently. Still doesn't mean we know anything about it.

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Well I guess it getting trademarked is something .3. Supposedly Atlus has all the characters and stuff mapped out, but they haven't come up with a plot yet. But that could all be a load of crap since they haven't actually shown us anything.

Has Index ever made a game worth playing? I feel like they probably haven't. Either way it'd be nice if Nintendo got a hold of Atlus. They'll be around forever xD

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  • 2 weeks later...

So Index will begin selling off its assets next week. In light of the cross promotion between Fire Emblem: Awakening and Shin Megami Tensei IV, among other things, Nintendo has become the popular contender for buying out Atlus, although Sony is generally considered to be a great competitor. This apparently stems from the fact that in spite of Atlus aiming towards Nintendo's handheld and Shin Megami Tensei X Fire Emblem's very existence, Persona is by far the most popular series of the franchise.

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Well, to be honest, I think Sony would do a better job handling Atlus. Plus I can't see Nintendo letting Atlus release games like Catherine, so Sony would most likely fit Atlus' style more in my opinion.



The second Nintendo puts a Persona character into a Smash Brothers Series, I'm selling everything I own.


lol you have no idea how fast that shit would end up on my game shelf xD

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