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Wendy Davis trumps anti-abortion law in Texas

Fusion X. Denver

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Basically, this Senator stood her ground for 11 hours or so constantly talking and appealing to ditch this extreme anti-abortion law that Texas was going to pass. And then massive support from Texans protested there and sealed the deal.

That is 11 hours with constant talking.

No bathroom break.

No pausing for a minute.


Some faith in humanity has been restored for me.

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If you're not pro-life, you're obviously pro-death. I'm really ashamed somebody who I thought was as kind and intelligent as Fusion would stoop to such barbarism.

I'm more than certain I'll have support in this. Faith in humanity is a godly America where life is a gift given by God that can not be squandered. Why do you think it says FAITH?
Damn Liberals.

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Abortion is really only wrong if you plan the kid, then be like, "oh I don't want this kid anymore." Any other time, like, condom breaking/pill not working, rape, etc. abortion is perfectly fine. No one has any right to tell anyone else what to do with their potential child. They shouldn't have to care about what other people think. "Oh, its denying God's gift of life." Who gives a shit? Not everyone is Christian. 

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Well, there's no way that was going to get passed, and to be honest I don't know why people are still whining out the ass about something that's been legal for over 30 years but I will say this.



People who are Pro-Life and people who are Pro-Choice make entirely different cases to the point of not even directly arguing while accusing each-other of making arguments that neither actually makes. An example of this is how "life" and "choice" are both positives not inherently opposed being used to designate opposite viewpoints.  But it's kind of why I hate the issue, it's almost impossible to talk about.   



How about we just go pro-death?  Kill the child.  Kill the mother.  Kill the doctor.  Kill you.  Kill me.  **** everyone. 

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I'd always agree to the right to 'choose', if the grounds were for danger to mother or child, the child was concieved as a result of rape or the parents can be deemed unable to look after a child (due to a health condition - but this should be agreed in co-operation with them), but other reasons are just far too weak, especially when there's so many ways to stop pregnancy, 'it's not the right time' is just a very poor excuse, when birth control methods have such a low failure rate.


I dislike how often abortion are 'forced' about in soaps.

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[quote name="Comrade Tentacruel" post="6228807" timestamp="1372266766"]Well, there's no way that was going to get passed, and to be honest I don't know why people are still whining out the ass about something that's been legal for over 30 years but I will say this.[/quote] Actually, it was in great danger of getting passed, Governor Rick Perry supposedly said he was ready to sign it as soon as it reached his desk, which is what drove Wendy to action. I can recognize that perspectives on life and death are subjective, but I don't think the state should take rights away just because it conflicts with moral standards rooted in one system of beliefs. And Yin makes a point with rape and life endangerment, obviously you can't deny them to relieve themselves of burdens they can't carry, but then why should it just be them that are allowed the freedom to choose and not all women?

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I mean, abortion is a really tricky topic. Personally, I'm all for 'pro-choice', but it's understandable that there are issues to address, although I do feel that a lot of the arguments against abortion are mainly focused on the beliefs of western philosophy.

If you're not pro-life, you're obviously pro-death. I'm really ashamed somebody who I thought was as kind and intelligent as Fusion would stoop to such barbarism.

I'm more than certain I'll have support in this. Faith in humanity is a godly America where life is a gift given by God that can not be squandered. Why do you think it says FAITH?
Damn Liberals.

My sarcasm detectors are off today. I'm going to hazard a guess and say that this was not sarcastic.
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  • 2 weeks later...

It was supposed to be a Wendy Davis topic, but what can you do...


And that masturbation ban is just stupid.

How in the hell would they moderate that? They can't go Big Brother in your homes and no one's gonna wank in public since that's already illegal anyways. What's even the point in restricting it?

And two years?

That's almost as bad as that LoL kid getting 8 years for that troll comment.

What saddens me is that trivial stuff like this is what they decide to spend their time on as opposed to more important issues.

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