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Empty Jar this format (on a budget).


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A budget of around $50 (about £31, I think?) to be precise. And about 20% of that goes on Tour Guides.


Monsters (13, perhaps a little high. Maybe drop a Worm?)


3|A/D Changer

3|Giant Rat

2|Tour Guide

2|Needle Worm

1|Morphing Jar


1|Deep Diver


Spells (24)





2|The Shallow Grave

2|Hand Destruction

2|Magical Stone Excavation


2|A Feather of the Phoenix


1|Monster Reborn

1|Card Destruction


1|One Day of Peace


Traps (3)



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This doesn't look very consistent at all. I've been using this build for a while and it has very few problems. You might consider trying it out.


1 morphing jar
3 A/D changer
3 dust knight 
3 redox
2 Tsukuyomi

1 reinforcements of the army
1 card destruction
3 hand destruction
1 one day of peace
1 foolish burial
3 shallow grave
3 book of eclipse
1 book of moon
3 book of tiayou
1 burial from the different dimension
3 feather of a phoenix
2 magic stone excavation
3 into the void
2 pot of duality

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  • 2 weeks later...

Redox tests pretty well, but it's far too expensive. A playset online is about £16, and I can't afford that. I can't see why you'd run Tsukuyomi in this, really, it just distracts from the deck goal. I'd rather use the flipping power of the deck more pertinently and get the opponent to mill five with Worm. I find that Rat works better than Dust Knight because it actually gets me Jar straight up, even if it's slightly more situational. I can afford Pot of Duality now, so I might drop the T-Roars for another Hand Destruction and two PoDs.


-3 T-Roar


+2 Pot of Duality (2)

+1 Hand Destruction (3)

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