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Project X Zone


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(Turn annotations on for English subtitles.)


For the first time ever, characters from some of the most historic franchises in video game history come together in one epic adventure! Play as over 50 of your favorite characters from NAMCO BANDAI, SEGA, and Capcom and watch them interact in dream scenarios. Project X Zone is the ultimate strategy RPG that combines the greatest collection of characters ever seen in a video game! The ancient treasure called the "Portalstone" has been stolen and a rift in time and space has allowed crossovers from various universes. The ambitions of various people, organizations and creatures have become intertwined, turning this incident into a great source of turmoil. The past, future, and even distant worlds from other dimensions have been drawn into what will be become a long journey for our heroes.


Now out in America.

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I haven't played much of any of the games this uses, but the gameplay intrigues me due to trying out the demo, and honestly, the playing of Disgaea & Fire Emblem, and to a point Etrian Odyssey (since it's still an RPG) as of late, I realize this is the sort of game I may or may not actually really like compared to others. Although, Mega Man is not really giving me much interest in this, compared to SSB.

It's a maybe considering I'm unfortunately not well versed in many of the games this is a crossover of.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Nice game. Beat it myself. One problem though:



Would it have killed these guys to get the respective English VA's for this game?!


Honestly: I would give my right eyeball to have Laura Bailey as Mii or Sam Reigel as Flynn.


But that is my opinion, do not take it out of context.

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There were so much legal shenanigans involved with bringing this game over...


I guess it still would be less of a hassle to use the JP voice actors, I guess.  Since they were already recorded, after all.


Though I would like to know what the characters were saying in the Crosspedia voiced clips...

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Seeing that it's my favorite subgenre of RPG, it's nice to see a new TRPG, even if it just looks like it's more about throwing random anime on the screen then being "tactical."


And that right here is the problem, it's nothing else then looking pretty.


The combat wears off its appeal when you're around chapter 20 and the game has an inconsistent difficulty spike, prologues-chapter 10 (first half) being easy, Chapter 10 (second half)-Chapter 23 being brutally hard, but then anything after Chapter 23 everything is easier then the first 10 chapters. I completely dropped the game after Chapter 38, because frankly, after Chapter 23, it becomes boring as fuck, because the goal always remains the same (wipe out all enemies) and its really hard to lose those battles, because you'll be stocked with so many items that you can start spamming them like no tomorrow and the game doesn't punish you for it, since during the turn you used an item, you can still attack your enemy. There's the occasional "this-unit-should-not-die-or-its game-over" rule, but in most cases the said unit is so hideously overpowered, the rule might as well not exist.


And in case you're still having problems, you can abuse Quick save, because Quick save is broken. When you're reloading a Quick save, the Quick save will not be deleted until the stage ends, so if you accidentally fuck up during a stage, you can always reload your Quick Save data.


Also, a prologue should not consist of 5 long battles, this game should not be 40+ chapters with a battle system like this and any final battle of any Tactical RPG-like games should not last atleast 2 hours. Ever. (I know this because I searched up some Youtube videos about it).

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Honestly I play it in bursts of like maybe 1-2 hours per session, and I really don't treat it like a strategy game.


Basically, each mission goes as such:


1) Rearrange solos in hope of seeing different conversations.


2) do battles, trying to get maximum cross hit bonuses and crits.


Doing '2' is basically the bulk of the game for me.  So far I still kinda suck, so it's still entertaining for me.

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