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So far, the deck's been testing out really well. I can usually get a full field in a turn or two, sometimes first turn if I'm lucky.


[spoiler=Card Choices]

Rescue Engine: It's been working out, and I find it helps me move faster. I picked Giant Soldier b/c it's the best choice I could come up with, it's a personal favorite, and it can upgrade into Steel which stalls for a turn if things go awry.

Thalia: I opted to go with two Thalia instead of three Tytannial. Thalia helps beatstick over some bosses, can protect Meliaes, and having four Level 8 monsters gives me the option to go into Felgrand.

Debris: Should go without saying in Plants...

Spell Striker: After using it Monarchs, I find it's actually a pretty good card. It works with the deck, frees up my Normal Summon, and can jump over some problem cards.

Maxx/Veiler: Just some assistance against Dragons and Prophecy.


Avarice: I add it to a lot of decks. I'm not the best player, so I end up losing my field more often than not.


Bottomless: I'm not the biggest fan of Torrential because I never use it correctly.


Formula/Stardust/Shooting Star: As explained HERE


Giant Soldier of Steel: See 'Rescue Engine'.

Felgrand: See 'Thalia'. If I only had Tytannial, I'd probably use something else.



Main Deck

Monsters: 28

3x Jerry Beans Man

3x Giant Soldier of Stone

2x Tytannial, Princess of Camellias

2x Thalia, Princess of Cherry Blossoms

2x Gigaplant

2x Debris Dragon

2x Rescue Rabbit

2x Spell Striker

1x Lonefire Blossom

3x Crane Crane

1x Dandylion 

2x Maxx "C"

1x Spore

2x Effect Veiler


Spells: 8

1x Heavy Storm

1x Pot of Avarice

1x Foolish Burial

1x Monster Reborn

2x MST

2x Supervise


Traps: 4

2x Bottomless Trap Hole

2x Solemn (J/W)


Extra Deck

Synchro Monsters: 7

1x Formula Syncrhon

1x Armory Arm

2x Black Rose Dragon

1x Stardust Dragon

1x Scrap Dragon

1x Shooting Star Dragon


Xyz Monsters: 8

1x Giant Soldier of Steel

3x Tree Spirit of the Meliaes

1x Leviair the Sea Dragon

1x Soul of Silvermountain

1x Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

1x Felgrand the Divine Dragon Knight


Side Deck:

Don't have one. I'll take suggestions, though.

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