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[Finished]OpticalGalaxyStar's Machine Contest!

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Hello, YCM! OpticalGalaxyStar here once again, and I'm hosting my first ever YUGIOH CARD CONTEST!!!!!

*applause* *applause*


Thank you, Thank you. Anyway, If you saw the thread title, you'll know that this contest is about making Machine-Type Yu-Gi-Oh monsters. If you didn't, now you know what this is all about.


Let's get into the rules, shall we?

-All entries must be Machine-Type monsters, or Spells/Traps that support Machine-Type monsters.

-Please follow all YCMF rules.

-I will judge all entries in the categories of Creativity, Picture, Effect, and Card Grammar on a scale from 1-10. 0 is the lowest total score and 40 is the highest. You win the contest by having the card with the highest score.

-Please don't ask me to make you a judge. If you do, I'll just simply ignore you. So, don't ask to be a judge. Ever.

-The contest Entry fee is 10 points. the contest winner will receive all the points in the pot, as well as my undying respect.

-The Runner-Up will receive 20 points from me, as a thank-you for entering the tournament. 3rd place will receive 15 points from me, also as a thank-you for entering the tournament.

-I will be accepting 3 contestants for the contest. If you want to enter, please let me know before Monday, June 24th, 2013.


Current Participants:

1. LeoVeracruse 

2. liavcol 

3. thesynchrohero 


Pot: 40


Well, have fun!



BREAKING NEWS: The due-date for cards is June 31st, 2013. If you don't submit your card by then, you'll be disqualified! :( And nobody wants that!!

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Thank you everyone for joining! The deadline to make your cards will be the June 31st. Make sure to get your cards in before then, or you're disqualified!


EDIT: I see Leo posted his card, while I'm still waiting for points from the other guy...I'll send him a PM now.


EDIT 2: Got the points. It's all good. :)

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And Now, the moment you have been waiting for: Judgment Of The Cards!



Card Entry: Caligo, Hidden In The Mist


Level 8



Creativity: 8/10

Picture: 8/10 (Really cool. Just one problem: Is the big robot flying or swimming: It's probably flying, but it looks like it could be swimming too...)

Effect: 6.5/10 (It's...Okay I guess. It's just that I wouldn't really use a Level 8 Machine with only 2400/2500. Maybe if you raised the attack/defense just a tad...Also you should specify which phase to Tribute the Water monsters, but other than that, this card has really nice potential. :) Keep up the good work!)

Card Grammar: 8/10 (Just a few grammatical errors. Nothing major.)


LeoVeracruse Total Score: 31.5/40



Card Entry: Mecha HERO Laggan


Level 2



Creativity: 7.5/10

Picture: 8.5/10 (Very nice anime-style pic. It's really interesting, a robot head w/ arms and legs. You don't see that too much. :D)

Effect: 7.5/10 (Too me, it seems just a tad OP'd, even if it can only be used once per Duel. I mean, a Level 2 with 2500 Attack? That's crazy! Maybe if you made it last until the end of the turn it was used, it'd be a bit less powerful. Maybe you could make the LP cost 2000, and keep the +2000 ATK effect. Either way, It's simple and to the point, and I do like that. So, your score is a 7.5/10.)

Card Grammar: 9/10 (I didn't have much to work with here, but with what little you had, your grammar was really good. Keep it up!)


liavcol Total Score: 32.5/40






I'll send the promised points to both of you. Great job to all our contestants!!!!


Now, if someone could lock this...we're done...

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