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[PKMN] Team Plasma Druddigon


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colorless.pngcolorless.pngGuard Press
During your opponent's next turn, any damage done to this Pokémon by attacks is reduced by 20 (after applying Weakness and Resistance).  



fire.pngfire.pngwater.pngcolorless.pngDragon Claw 90


Playing a deck on Pokemon TCG Online which plays 4 of these and 4 Double Colorless Energy. My god, it is so good. Open up with Druddigon and Double Colorless, spam Guard Press while setting up the rest of your team. This thing is sooooo tanky. Especially early game where he's near impervious to damage.


Thoughts, Pokemon players?

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It's awful. It's honestly...just terrible.  There are MUCH, MUCH better options for any of its purposes. The main problem is that it's horrendously overcosted. If Guard Press did 10 for 1, and Dragon claw was, say, 40-60 for Fire/Water or something, then It would be playable. Right now...No. Just, no. The Eviolite effect isn't worth it anyway, when you could get the same effect from attaching one to, say, and EX, or one of the Non-EX Reshiram/Zekrom, which actually have offensive purposes with that DCE.

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