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Hey there!  The name's Parsee.  I've used this site in the past for, well, creating cards.  I decided to wander on back after a few years, and whoa- the place has a new look?  iPB?  Awesome.


Anyways, yeah, just gonna be wandering around creating cards and stoof.  o 3o  Y'all look nice.



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We're not nice. c:

Anyway, welcome (back?) to the forum. Read the rules, don't be a general nuisance and don't post in TCG until you actually get an idea of what the game's about atm. Also obligatory referencing to how your reputation will go up because of the fact that you're a Touhou fan and our little niche of people could always use more members.

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Oh, a little niche of Touhoufags?  That's pretty cool.  I saw a few bronies, too.  Not exactly a rarity on the Internet, but fun nonetheless.  I look forwards to making some friends, or enemies if my manner of speak is a little harsh.

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I see Glitch Mob.  You have my personal approval.


Enjoy your stay here and be sure to read each set of forums rules thoroughly (especially when creating cards).  If you're having a rough time, please feel free to contact myself or any of the moderators you come across, as we're all happy to help.

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