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Not bad, but some of the ratios are a little off. Only 1 or 2 Linde, 2 Sphere, maybe 1 more Infantry, Sturge is probably not needed, and a single Salvage could help.

What in the hell are you on about? ._.


A MINIMUM of 2 Line is Standard, 3 Sphere, a maximum of 2 Heavy Infantry, Turge is an @1 card that most builds have, and I've yet to see a Mermail deck actually use salvage.

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What in the hell are you on about? ._.


A MINIMUM of 2 Line is Standard, 3 Sphere, a maximum of 2 Heavy Infantry, Turge is an @1 card that most builds have, and I've yet to see a Mermail deck actually use salvage.


Funny because the latest OCG Mermail builds that topped have been playing exactly like I mentioned :/


I don't really think you need 3 of Diva, Megalo or Gunde tbh.

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[quote name="Wildflame" post="6226722" timestamp="1371874159"]Funny because the latest OCG Mermail builds that topped have been playing exactly like I mentioned :/   I don't really think you need 3 of Diva, Megalo or Gunde tbh.[/quote] >OCG You mean the half of the game that plays to win vs playing to not lose, who plays indented decks with often horrible choices in higher tiered tourney(Psst, world qualifiers had Archfiends do well in the current meta), and generally is deemed worse than the TCG half? I'm talking TCG half, not OCG half, because you should never value the OCG over the TCG. I mean, hell, OCG decks still play Cardcar, MST, Sheratan, etc. last I saw, all of which are shit in the main, if not overall, this format. Yu only need 2-3 Diva and 2 Megalo, and 1-2 Gunde, iirc.

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