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Alien Ammonite x3

Alien Dog x3

Alien Grey x2

Alien Kid x3

Alien Overlord x2

Alien Telepath x2

Alien Warrior x3


"A" Cell Breeding Device x1

Code A Ancient Ruins x2

Mysterious Triangle x2

Mystical Space Typhoon x2

Pot of Duality x2

Heavy Storm x1

Monster Reborn x1


Call of the Haunted x3

Fiendish Chain x3

Solemn Judgement x1

Solemn Warning x1

Torrential Tribute x2

Offering to the Snake Deity x2


Ally of Justice Catastor x1

T.G Hyper Librarian

Ancient Sacred Wyvern x1

Armory Arm x1

Cosmic Fortress Gol'Gar x1

Light End Dragon x1

Scrap Dragon x1 

King of Feral Imps x1 

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This hurts my eyes just looking at it.

I assume you're going for pure aliens here, so...


-2 Shocktrooper (Only good in the Rabbit build)

-1 Hunter (Awful)

-1 Mars (Not useful enough)

-1 Mother (Slow and Unreliable)

-1 BLS (Not enough DARKs after the edit)

-1 Pyschic (It's not that great)

-1 Horror (Worse than Mother)

-1 Breeding Device (Way too slow)

-2 Scatter Burst (It's not really that efficient.)

-1 Incubator (It doesn't test well, due to the main card taking things off for an effect is Gol'gar...

-1 Burden (Xyz make this kind of Pointless)

-1 Molting Escape (Terrible)

-1 One for One (Not great here)

-1 Otherworld (Awful, AWFUL card.

-2 Brain (Too Slow)

-2 Circles (Too costly)

-2 Mirror Force (Not useful Enough)

-1 Brainwashing Beam (It's cool, but It needs more of a dedicated build)


+1 Ammonite (Y U NO RUN 3)

+1 Dog (Y U NO RUN 3)

+1 Grey (It's not great but it's alright.)

+1 Kid (Y U NO RUN 3)

+1 Overlord (Main Deck Boss Monster)

+1 Telepath (It's decent...)

+1 Warrior (You need your Level 4s, plu it can instantly set up for an overlord)

+1 Code A (One of the better cards in the deck. You can run 3, but I prefer 2.)

+1 Heavy Strom (y u no)

+1 Reborn (y u no)

+1 Mysterious Triangle (This card is really, really good. Clogs at 3, in my testing)

+3 Call of the Haunted (One of the best cards in the deck.)

+3 Fiendish Chain (Y U NO)

+ Solemn Duo (Y U NO)

+2 Torrentiual Tribute (Y U NO)

+2 Planet Pollution Virus/Offering to the Snake Diety (Both are good. If you can find room for both, good for you.)

Extra Should be full, mainly of Level 5, 7, and 8 Synchros, with a Level 4 or two, And a couple of good Rank 4s.


It should run a lot better with these changes. I can possibly try and incorporate any cards you want to keep, but really, the deck you have now is mostly garbage.

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