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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Phantom Roxas

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Kinda like Etika, when he reacted to mewtwo.

But more intense.


Best quote from that reaction:


This is the greatest f*cking RPG ever made, by the way.  If you don't know what this is, then f*ck you and f*ck your whole family!


That's when it became the greatest reaction ever.

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Spent over an hour doing the Melee Character event match on hard with Shiek. Was slowly losing my mind. By the time I finally won I was able to clear it without losing a stock.


In other news, R.O.B. is a PAIN to get, not helped by you only get 1 stock in the normal mode and in the 3 times I've done it an CPU goy Kyorge twice. Yea, was really dumb. 

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Well, it was pretty much only a thing in the SNES days and in that one issue of Nintendo Power.



But since 64 they've just been wearing boots.



There wasn't really an official statement or anything, it just sort of stopped being a thing. With G-Diffusers it wouldn't make sense to amputate their legs anyways.

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What? Just... why?


Like, I'm confused why such a thing would garner any attention after so long being irrelevant.

Because if there's one thing I know, it's that people love to dig this stuff up and throw it in peoples faces. So eventually someone will go "nope" and the entire thing will be buried again.

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Played 3 online matches with the Wii U version;
First match I lost to a mediocre Shulk who decided to actually start playing after I killed him once, and did about 70-80% damage to him.
Second match was Me vs a Little Mac who decided to get cocky and taunt after he killed me, right after I killed him once. Solution? Kill him and taunt twice.
Next match was a Shiek who couldn't fight for shit; Tried to do routines/etc, but was incredibly sloppy and messed them up every single time.

Oh, and I tried playing Crazy Orders once; Lost in round 5 to a Lucina horde when, I kid you not, a fucking golden hammer AND a stop watch appeared for the same 1 Lucina. Totally fair/10
But it's expected, since that mode is supposed to be full of bullshit.

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Played 3 online matches with the Wii U version;
First match I lost to a mediocre Shulk who decided to actually start playing after I killed him once, and did about 70-80% damage to him.

...It didn't say Lawrence, did it? Mighta been me. I'm mediocre. <3

Second match was Me vs a Little Mac who decided to get cocky and taunt after he killed me, right after I killed him once. Solution? Kill him and taunt twice.


Next match was a Shiek who couldn't fight for s***; Tried to do routines/etc, but was incredibly sloppy and messed them up every single time.




Has anyone tried playing as Guts in For Glory? He's not the greatest since he's so slow, but DANG ARE THOSE HITS SATISFYING


like, one Fsmash KO and you don't even care if you lose. You're satisfied.

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I just spent over A HOUR AND A HALF doing ONE event. The stupid Wireframe Little Mac event is SO difficult on hard. Also learned 3 things during it.

1) I hate the Punch-Out stage

2) Defeated enemies hitting the screen is stupidly distracting

3) Events having no way to retry be it after failing or in the event itself is such a BAD design choice. 


Now to go beat it on normal to get the gold flag. Yay /sarcasm


Edit: OMG it is a JOKE on normal. 

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I just spent over A HOUR AND A HALF doing ONE event. The stupid Wireframe Little Mac event is SO difficult on hard. Also learned 3 things during it.
1) I hate the Punch-Out stage
It's not that bad. I actually like it.
2) Defeated enemies hitting the screen is stupidly distracting
3) Events having no way to retry be it after failing or in the event itself is such a BAD design choice.
Agreed. And WHY is Smash default on Time? It just doesn't make sense. Everyone plays Stock.

Now to go beat it on normal to get the gold flag. Yay /sarcasm

Edit: OMG it is a JOKE on normal.

I haven't done many of the events on hard. Maybe 3 or so. Some annoying ones I did on easy. I haven't played any of the co-op ones yet. Are they fun?
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