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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Phantom Roxas

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I honestly don't know what to do about the Amiibos. I want them, but at the same time, the aren't that cheap. Also at the same time, they are clearly at a limited supply. I know the core 8 will likely always be available, I'm just not sure when/if I want the others and if waiting will screw me. Sigh, at least I know I'll be picking up Shulk, Charizard, and Greninja when they come out.


They're only roughly $15 from what I've seen. I'd say they're worth what they do.


Speaking of ones that will come out... I wonder how long a Mewtwo one will take O,o

Oh Arceus! Those will be insane to fight against.
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Bet you all 10 dollars each that the Shulk Amiibo will have specific connectivity to Xenoblade Chronicles X and maybe the 3DS port of Xenoblade Chronicles.


I got my Link Amiibo and Yoshi Amiibo, so I'm set for now.  I'll be getting the Shulk and Robin Amiibos when they come out.

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Pretty sure its only the New 3DS that will have the function.


You mean the new New 3DS?


Fair. Like even if I had zero plans to use the Charizard Amiibo when it comes out, I would still snap buy it.


Go figure you'd buy a Charizard Amiibo just to look at (XD)
Though to be honest I'd probably buy the Lucina, Robin, and Ike Amiibos just to have and use because I like Fire Emblem.


Get a Wii U at best convenience, then.  If you can get 300$ to spare, it'll be worth your while.


If I had the $300 to spare to get one I would. Hell! Whenever anyone has asked me what they can get me for Christmas that has been what I've said, "Yeah just get me a Wii U."

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You mean the new New 3DS?
Go figure you'd buy a Charizard Amiibo just to look at (XD)
Though to be honest I'd probably buy the Lucina, Robin, and Ike Amiibos just to have and use because I like Fire Emblem.

What ever the system is that is getting the Xenoblade remake is.

And yea. I have a fair bit of Charizard things just because. Still need more.

Anyway, curious how everyone's luck has been with getting a GC adaptor? I'm lucky I live near Nintendo World and they keep getting them back in stock, just haven't been lucky enough to be done there at the time they were being sold. Same thing goes for the Amiiboos tbqh.
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Started playing Samus in 1v1 For Glory. Just fought against a Duck Hunt.


He tried his best to out-projectile me, but yeah. I'm SAMUS. That doesn't happen.


He kills himself while at 80% w/ 1 Stock, while I'm at 78% at 2 Stock.



I guess the only one that can outprojectile Samus maybe like, Villager, cuz he can pocket AND has lloid/slingshot....and dash attack....

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I guess the only one that can outprojectile Samus maybe like, Villager, cuz he can pocket AND has lloid/slingshot....and dash attack....

True, but only if he can guess it right.


In situations where I face someone that can reflect/pocket/whatever my projectiles, I fire a missile first. If they try to reflect it, IMMEDIATELY follow up with a fully charged arm cannon. If they don't, keep firing missiles until they do.


It only just now occurs to me that the Missiles are Samus's bread and butter.

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True, but only if he can guess it right.


In situations where I face someone that can reflect/pocket/whatever my projectiles, I fire a missile first. If they try to reflect it, IMMEDIATELY follow up with a fully charged arm cannon. If they don't, keep firing missiles until they do.


It only just now occurs to me that the Missiles are Samus's bread and butter.

That's the basic strategy. It'll get any meh players, and probably a lot of decent players as well, but-


Keep this in mind, a pocketed super missile WILL cancel out a fully charged Samus blast.


And yeah, missiles and minibombs are pretty important for Samus :3

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That's the basic strategy. It'll get any meh players, and probably a lot of decent players as well, but-


Keep this in mind, a pocketed super missile WILL cancel out a fully charged Samus blast.


And yeah, missiles and minibombs are pretty important for Samus :3

It does work on meh players, yes, but what's a pro guy gonna do? He's going to try and punish me for missile/beam spam.


So I punish him for trying to punish me. It's like a big orgy of masochism.


...I regret saying that.


The morph ball bombs are super critical to her if you get them down, yeah. Also, I like using her Up B as an attacking move. While it's not the greatest idea, BOY IS IT SATISFYING


11 hits in a row if on the mark. MMM.

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