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Super Smash Bros. 3DS/Wii U

Phantom Roxas

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I've only ever used tilt jumping, by this point I'm not sure I could transition to using the actual jump buttons. Up tilts aren't really an issue unless you're just not used to jumping that way.
Plus, I need it to Quick Float as Peach, at least with the Wii Remote+Nunchuk.


Actually ledge-guarding has become extremely easy in this game, supposedly. In fact, YOU can step on THEIR heads to ledge guard XD

That's a lot easier said than done. They're the one's who're jumping after all.

And to say ledgeguarding is easier is false. Unless you're Little Mac, it's really easy to get back to the stage, you can latch onto the stage even if you're not facing it, and most importantly, edge-hogging isn't a thing anymore.
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I like how you use the slingshot and get in close.



Thoron? Ooooh so Lonk uses Robin? I want Robin tips!


Also, can anyone tell me if using the tilt jump has any purpose really?


I don't think I'm that good with Robin, but I'll give some tips anyways:


-Jump over your opponent and use Elwind.  Not only would it have a good chance to catch the opponent off-guard with two strikes, but it would also be able to give you more control over the field.

-Charge Thunder by: A) Jumping off the ledge, but being in a position where you can charge one stage and grab the ledge.  B) Catch your opponent in Arcfire.

-Step Dodge often and look for that opportunity to use Nosferatu to restore your health when your percent is high and your opponent's percent is low.

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It wasn't as prevalent because of everything else in brawl, but I've been reading a lot of people criticizing its inclusion. It makes it easy for someone who's coming up from being knocked off the ledge to get on top of someone coming down to edgeguard, resulting in death for the player who didn't necessarily deserve it. If he DID deserve it, then it's because he went to edgeguard in the first place, which is unfortunate because that means the mechanic discourages the edgeguarding side of the game, which is what makes Smash unique as a fighting game.

That's the basic gist of it, and I do mean basic.



Edgeguarding has always had some risk to it. I would need to see it for myself to know how bad it can be.

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I don't think I'm that good with Robin, but I'll give some tips anyways:


-Jump over your opponent and use Elwind.  Not only would it have a good chance to catch the opponent off-guard with two strikes, but it would also be able to give you more control over the field.

-Charge Thunder by: A) Jumping off the ledge, but being in a position where you can charge one stage and grab the ledge.  B) Catch your opponent in Arcfire.

-Step Dodge often and look for that opportunity to use Nosferatu to restore your health when your percent is high and your opponent's percent is low.

Hmm, I see. Okay I honestly didn't realize you could grab the ledge and be charged. I'm fairly good with Arcfire so far, but I still cannot use Nosferatu for the life of me.

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Hmm, I see. Okay I honestly didn't realize you could grab the ledge and be charged. I'm fairly good with Arcfire so far, but I still cannot use Nosferatu for the life of me.


You just need to jump into the air to clear some distance and then reach the stage by canceling the charge after a single one.  It uses the air more and is very good against opponents that don't chase off the ledge.


I've also been able to get multiple Nosferatus off from different distances.

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You just need to jump into the air to clear some distance and then reach the stage by canceling the charge after a single one.  It uses the air more and is very good against opponents that don't chase off the ledge.

Oh you would hate playing against me.

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Oh you would hate playing against me.

Most good players already knew the game would be very centered around off-stage fighting and make sure to try to gimp their opponent's recovery. This is more a sign that you actually know what to do after throwing an opponent out of the stage than anything.
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So.... Is it just me with an apparent dumb-luck when it comes to 'For Glory' mode, or do all the assholes come on at night?

Like.... They aren't even good players, they are just ones who can't fight for shit outside of one-trick-pony routines that insist on taunting after everything.

It makes online play rather discouraging.

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That can happen. Fortunately for any tournaments it'd be local multiplayer so that'd be cool =P


oh also this is a thing





I hope this Smash brings back the Melee enthusiasts =P

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Most good players already knew the game would be very centered around off-stage fighting and make sure to try to gimp their opponent's recovery. This is more a sign that you actually know what to do after throwing an opponent out of the stage than anything.

My point was that I play Pittoo. Who can not only go offstage and gimp you, but has enough jumps to attempt it twice for good measure.

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So, what's everyone's' favorite kind of fighter?


For me, it's all about the heavyweights. If this game is more focused on off-stage fighting, then I simply won't go off the stage until I reach extreme damage percentages, while being able to just flat out smash others off the map with my power. And enough practice lets me get past the general weakness of heavyweights, their lack of speed.

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And I can say with confidence I'm the worst! At least of the people here that play Smash.


Anyway, status report, Robin I'm still liking a lot. I'm actually doing fairly well using him/her and Arcfire is great. But started playing Greninja too and he's fun. I can't judge distance with some of his attacks but I'm getting there, and I enjoy using his down-air.


I love the Rainbow Road music, it makes me a happy Cow-Cow.

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So after playing this for a last day my Top 5 are as follows. Keep in mind that I devoted a All Star and a Classic playthrough for these so I may not know all the technicalities yet....


1. Zelda

2. Little Mac (Hate his Air Game but on the Ground he is God)

3. Fox

4. Peach

5. Mario


Charatcers I can't seem to get into playing as are Palutena and Shulk.

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Shulk can be very powerful if you know when exactly to do everything. At the start of the match, Monado Art Buster, you're at a high percent, use the Shield Art (I still haven't mastered these =P). Also, never use Back Slash unless you are certain you are gonna land on the ground, because you can't grab onto edges while using it (It pisses me off SO MUCH!). Another thing is that you can easily chain together a bunch of Shulk's Up+Bs near the edge, and can KO at around 150% against middle-weight characters.


Was thinking of maining him but I've been getting back into Ike, who was my main in Brawl.


Also, I beat a 2-stock level 9 with Pittoo in 47 seconds. He is a beast in the air!

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You joke now, but just you wait until November 21st. Smash Bros. is the one thing I'm not humble about, and I will say with a fair amount of confidence that I'm most likely the best player here.

It's too bad you can't fight Agro right away because I think he's the best fighter here by a mile. My dad works at Nintendo and he told me Agro was the best.

Also he uses Dark Pit which has like Duck Hunt levels of annoying on top of being an enemy to fight.

Also it would be nice to see you get shrekt by DL.
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Okay has anyone beaten Intensity Level 9.0? If so . . . . HOW!?


I've tried it a few times and, beyond only gaining 1000 gold by going to the end as well as all of the prizes, I keep dying because of Master Hand and Crazy Hand's cheap as Hell combinations! I'll get caught by one of them, squeezed until I'm set down, then one will use the card trick to instant kill me! Or, worse, I dodge a downward fist and instead it meteor smashes me to death!


Though on another note getting 5 Kills in Cruel Smash and 200 in Endless Smash was easy with Kirby's Down B. They literally just sit there waiting for you to smash their heads in.

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Okay has anyone beaten Intensity Level 9.0? If so . . . . HOW!?
I've tried it a few times and, beyond only gaining 1000 gold by going to the end as well as all of the prizes, I keep dying because of Master Hand and Crazy Hand's cheap as Hell combinations! I'll get caught by one of them, squeezed until I'm set down, then one will use the card trick to instant kill me! Or, worse, I dodge a downward fist and instead it meteor smashes me to death!

But the hands are the easiest part....
Gimmicky, but still.
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Hands go both ways for me. I mean outside of dumb stuff like Gar Plain and Jars of Wind, 9.0 is manageable.

Sheik makes the hands a joke with her down-b though.

What do people think of Charizard? I've been finding him easier to combo with despite being slower, but I haven't brought him to Lv9 yet.

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Magicant really frustrates me on a design aspect.  It is such a wonderful stage and it would have been competitive friendly had the Flying Man not existed on the stage.  Seriously, the platforms are perfect and the stage has proper transformations that give it alot of character.  The Flying Man, unfortunately, ruins it.


Also, I've gotten very good with Shulk.  I've 0-66'd people in 5 seconds with up throw, up tilt and up smash.  If only hitstun was a thing in this game, and more hitstun was given to moves that have more lag.

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