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Gagagigo Deck


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Deck List


Gagagigo x3 

Giga Gagagigo x3 

Gogiga Gagagigo x3

Gale Lizard x2

Granadora x2 

Mobius the Frost Monarch x2 

Rescue Rabbit x1

Star Boy x2


A Legendary Ocean x3

Book of Moon x1 

Heat Wave x1 

Heavy Storm x1

Magical Stone Excavation x2 

Monster Reborn x1 

Mystical Space Typhoon x3

Order to Charge x2 

Terraforming x2 


Mirror Force x2

Negate Attack x2

Reinforced Space x2

Utopian Aura x2

Extra Deck

Abyss Dweller x2

Bahamut Shark x2

Gagagigo The Risen x2 

Number 39: Utopia x2 

Number 17: Leviathan Dragon x1


Decided to make a deck based off of my favorite series, but it kind of descended into a basic WATER-Reptile deck. Suggestions?

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