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CNC, and how to deal with it.


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Dear God that's an obtuse way to look at it; this isn't even a graphic tutorial, truly, nor a resource - posting it where it'll have the most affect's the reasoning here. You can run into mediocre "cnc" daily and, thankfully, pretty rarely, people who can't take it. Common courtesy is commonly unpresent and a friendly tone allows all to improve and learn.


For the same reasons discussion topics and learning opportunities are sticky'd - they offer something, without being a tag or whatever; here I'm using someones graphic but this is the same if I had typed the whole thing out. The point here isn't the graphic, it's what it says.

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"For the same reasons discussion topics and learning opportunities are sticky'd - they offer something, without being a tag or whatever; here I'm using someones graphic but this is the same if I had typed the whole thing out. The point here isn't the graphic, it's what it says."


This is what I was thinking. And it's not a tutorial so much as it is a reminder.

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It definitely is useful for new aspiring artists on this forum to take into account, and every now and then could people like me use a good reminder. Usually, it is just common courtesy, I believe, to accept CnC in all shape in forums. You could have elaborate discussions for more information about the person's reasoning if ever curious.  I think that is definitely worth the sticky toward the near future, I say that we leave it for now though, unless we have a flow of new members to the forum.

Great find though. Really nice read. I have moments where I get cocky and act like the all-knowing pro, so this put me more back in my place. I know I am not that good, I am far from, so I should accept critique in any form or require information to help me become a better artist though.

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It's a lot closer to being a tutorial on how to give and take critique than it is a piece of art to be showcased.




You're annoying.


Also, it's a nice read but I agree with what Night said.  Not really all that much help unless you're a bitch or are overly aggressive.  I can be the second most times but if you think that's a problem then you're the first so suck it.


Could be a nice sticky either way, though.  No harm in it.  I'd say sticky with a note that says "READ BEFORE CRITIQUE" or some shit.  Helpful to the new peeps.

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New members generally don't fit any of the categories stated however, this is more of a guideline for semi in-depth critique.

A new member wouldn't struggle with coming off as arrogant or demeaning, they honestly just don't know how to critique, it's generally just opinion based. 


The way I would find this useful is to link this when warning for spam in showcase when a member doesn't actually properly cnc, but again that would be wasted because it doesn't teach the fundamentals of critiquing it just states how not to portray a certain personality. 


A good reminder, but I think that's all it is. 

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I'm still pondering the relevancy of this, in theory it would be a good sticky, but honestly everything stated is quite obvious.


One would think so. 

This was more of a wakeup call to myself, I'd guess. I take friendly advice as harsh and insulting every now and then. Reminding myself and hopefully others of what's important is good. As Dae said, I needed something to put me in my actual fekkin place.


Oh, and, talking about stickys, cleanup on them? Seems stuff is dead.

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