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It's quite, simple, I'll give you an assignment, and you complete it before the deadline, if you miss three assignments within a certain time frame without a legitimate reason, you'll be suspended/expelled from the Team. 


Don't fret however, most of the assignments will be to make a single tag, and most of the projects will be to collaborate with another team member.


This is just to help activity for now and keep everyone productive, it'll start to be less frequent later on. I'll also be PM'ing this to everyone on the team. 


[spoiler=Assignment #1]

Assignment given on: 6/2/13

Assignment due on: 6/5/13

Assignment details: Produce 3 tags, no specifications.



[spoiler=Assignment #2]

Assignment given on: 6/13/13

Assignment due on: 6/14/13

Assignment details: Produce a tag that will then be gifted to another member. No other specifications besides that it must be a tag. 




Most people are confused as to how assignments will be collected.


Basically, make a thread titled '[Name here] Assignment #_' and then put your work in the thread.


Put [WIP] In the title if you've yet to complete the task but still want to keep track of your progress with what you do have.

Put [Complete] Once you've finished the task. Once I see this, I'll make a post giving you credit for the assignment.


Cnc and discussion can be given. 

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I might be able to finish all 3 by the 5th, but I would like to request that the date be moved to the 6th because thursday is my free day from work...so I'd have more time to be...y'know....creative XD


Just wonderin

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