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How's my new template? :)


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[spoiler=''][/spoiler]Hi all :)
I've made a template and I want you to tell me what you think about it :D





What Changed: 


*As Reus mentioned, the text wasn't correct so I unbolded it and made it a little smaller - I hope it's better...

*As Night suggested, I toned down the cloud filter and I hope it is ok now...


Future Changes:


*Getting new border for the card, either from a pic or making it by myself.

*Getting the font for the brackets around the type, advised by  ~Renegade~



So... how is it?

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The way that the text is split is odd and the font sizes and the likes look odd.

I gave it a thought and I think it's because I bolded the text because I wanted it to be as much readable that it can be... unfortunetly I'm not at home right now so I'll fix that later and will upload as V2.

I would like if you'll tell me what your thinking about V2 when I'll upload it, thanks :D

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Text is okay, typing errors not included. You need a [ and ] around type.


Still too much cloud on dat cloud. Also, card name looks weird imo


I have already made V3 which have [] around type and I also changed the color of the name of the card :) about the clouds your talking about, I don't understand exactly what your meaning...

By the way, I printed the card in order to compare it to a real card and the text I did first is the correct one! Though the card I was comparing to was Evil HERO Gaia which is a little old so is it possible that they changed the text font during the years? If not so I'm sorry to tell you that your wrong...


Needs more silver.

Genuine suggestion.


What do you mean "more silver"?

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