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The Ace needs a new sig...


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So I have a really stupid sig right now but I want one that looks sick.


Size I guess something with the same size as this: http://forum.yugiohcardmaker.net/topic/302473-joker-sig/

Render/Stock you want using: Well, not exactly sure. I was thinking about using this: bluedarkness.png


Remember:  If you think a different picture suits me, please, by all means, USE IT. 


How much I'm willing to pay: Depending on how great it comes out, I will pay. I promise to me very modest about my point giving.
Other: Up to you. Be as creative as you want. My favorite 3 colors, if you want to know, is Blue, Black, and Silver. I would also want my name to be in it somewhere.



Really, just be creative as possible. If you think of something that hits you saying "This would be perfect for him" use it.


Remember to make it look awesome.



Any questions, just go right ahead.


This is my first time requesting so if I didn't post something I should have or vice-versa, please tell me. 

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