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Arrested Development (Season 4!?)


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Basic Premise:

The show follows the fictitious Bluth family, a formerly wealthy and habitually dysfunctional family, and is presented in a continuous format, incorporating handheld camera work, narration, archival photos, and historical footage

So far the fourth season is a bit slow and kind of confusing/complicated but the more you watch the more it make sense. Each episode focuses on one of the main characters and it's not really until you watch more episodes that the whole big elaborate plot starts to make sense. What one character does in one episode takes on a new meaning when you see it from their point of view.

For example, [spoiler=Not too big a spoiler, but it'll ruin "The B. Team" and "Double Crossers"]in one scene, George Bluth confronts Micheal in his new office and apologizes, offering some Mexican porn magazines as a peace offering. George then agrees to sign a paper Michael had been asking him to sign. In George Bluth's episode, we find out he was fearing he was sick and impotent, so he needed an MRI and he needed the magazines as well. He also only walked into Michael's office because he thought it was a doctor's office since they had a similar name.[/spoiler]

So discuss or something, IDK

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