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First attempt at Hieratics


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From my understanding this is the standard build for the Gustav OTK. After I get used to the deck I might put my own little unique twist on it. c: Any and all help is greatly appreciated. 


For some reason DN won't let me screenshot and I'm too lazy to Print Screen, sorry. D:


Monsters: 25

3x Nebthet

3x Su

3x Tefnuit

3x Eset

2x Caius

2x Tragoedia 

2x Battle Fader

2x Ally Birdman


1X Wattaildragon

1x Luster Dragon #2

1x Exodius

1x Gorz <3


Spells: 13

3x MST

3x Forbidden Lance

2x Convocation

2x Pot of Duality

1x Monster Reborn

1x Heavy Storm

1x Dark Hole


Traps: 2 

2x Breakthrough Skill


Extra: 15

3x Atum 

2x Gaia Dragon

1x Tiras 

1x Super Dreadnought Rail Cannon Gustav Max (best name evar)

1x Photon Strike Bounzer

1x Pleiades 

1x Ptolemy M7

1x Gauntlet Launcher

1x Shark Fortress

1x Stardust

1x Scrap Dragon

1x Locomotion R-Genex


Side: 15

3x Droll and Lock Bird

3x Maxx C

3x Imperial Iron Wall

2x Royal Decree

2x Koaki Drago

2x Electric Virus


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You need to be running 2 vanillas. Trust me. Bird man is shite in here. You only need 1 nebthet. You don't need fader and you don't really need Caius. What you need are some cardcars and recklesses. I'd recommend solemns over breakthroughs. Your extra needs more rank 6s and 1 more Gaia.

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Tragoedia + REDMD


Or REDMD + Exodius.


Not as consistent as when REDMD was at more than 1, naturally, but possible to do.


Si. Even if the OTK isn't pulled off early, Atum wrecks and makes the OTK easier, in the case I don't draw REDMD.

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