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Superluminal: a story about faster-than-light travel.


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Superluminal: I've worked up a very rough prologue, outlining the basic principles of Super Relativity, and the idea of space-time being a curvature that can be distorted to enable relative faster-than-light travel without the need to break the laws of physics. Think wormholes/orbiting black holes. I think the idea of orbiting a black hole to induce space-time distortion and travel through relative time is the more interesting, and less overdone of the two.


However, it would involve a plot that would somehow make travelling to said black hole feasible, so I now need a way to turn this into a storyline.


If I go with the idea of orbiting a black hole, that could make for some interesting storytelling, in the form of attempting to orbit it correctly, in order to induce superluminal motion in the first place.


I could use the idea that a black hole has emerged from Alpha Centauri, but that would disregard the fact that a star of that mass is not dense enough to become a black hole.


The alternative would be the whole 'discovered a new black hole really close to Earth, but not that close that it would suck us in, but close enough to travel to. It's a baby black hole, OK?', which sounds a bit lame.


I'm starting to see why wormholes are the preferred option, but it's an idea that's been done to death. If anyone would like to read the very early story introduction, I'll be more than happy to post it.


Really though, I'd like some ideas and feedback in terms of feasible plot ideas.

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