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Crystal Tech

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Okay guys, so I've always had this little thing for Crystal Beasts, and realised that although Abundance isn't too great and Hamon/RD builds suck, I decided it'd be nice to try and make them a bit more competitive. It's pretty clear that some of the crystals are bad, so I cut the crap as well, in favour of a slightly more defensive build. Because there's no Abundance in the main deck (and only one in the side), there's space to keep 1-2 backrow.
Monsters ( 17 )
3 - Crystal Beast Sapphire Pegasus (Recruiter, helps to set up, and 1800 is decent)
2 - Crystal Beast Topaz Tiger (Purely because it's a better Level 4 than Amber, being able to hit over 1900s)
3 - Crystal Beast Ruby Carbuncle (It creates opportunities, and helps to free up the S/Ts)
2 - Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest (The original build lacked a "beatstick" and he's got a good place here)
1 - Nova Summoner (Fetches Ruby, 1400 is easily suicidable, and it's a level 4)
3 - Cardcar D (It's never bad to open one of these)
1 - Morphing Jar; (It's easy enough to empty your hand and this is a little bonus)
2 - Tragoedia (Stops OTKs, combos well with Morphing Jar and Cardcar D, and level manipulation is nice)
Spells ( 16 )
3 - Crystal Beacon (Fetching out a Sapphire to further build the backrow or getting a Ruby to swarm is always good)
3 - Crystal Blessing (You sort of have to run this with Xyzs)
3 - Crystal Promise (You just run this in Crystals in general)
2 - Forbidden Lance (Lets you beat over things as well as being generic protection)
1 - Forbidden Dress (it's unexpected, and it honestly doesn't play too badly)
2 - Mystical Space Typhoon (No Heavy because the deck keeps a big back row)
1 - Monster Reborn (Staple)
1 - Dark Hole 
Traps ( 8 )
1 - Solemn Judgment (Staple)
1 - Solemn Warning (Staple)
2 - Torrential Tribute (Filling up the back row is always nice, and it's guaranteed to leave a space clear)
2 - Horn of the Phantom Beast (Lets Baboon get over practically anything, and Topaz can get over lots at 2800)
2 - Starlight Road (I just love this card, and it's unexpected in Crystal Beasts)
Extra ( 15 )
1 - Stardust Dragon
1 - Gachi Gachi Gantetsu
1 - Leviair the Sea Dragon
1 - Number 17: Leviathan
1 - Wind Up Zenmaines
2 - Diamond Dire Wolf
1 - Abyss Dweller
1 - Gagaga Cowboy
1 - Maestroke the Symphony Djinn
1 - Number 16: Shock Master
1 - Photon Papilloperative
1 - Lightning Chidori
1 - Steelswarm Roach
1 - Mecha Phantom Beastcraft Dracossack
Side ( 15 )
2 - Fossil Dyna Pachycephalo
2 - Penguin Soldier
2 - Prime Material Dragon
1 - Heavy Storm
1 - Mystical Space Typhoon
1 - Crystal Abundance
3 - Soul Drain
3 - Mind Drain
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