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Still Totally Normal

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I posted a similar deck about a year and a half ago and modified it a lot since then. Here it is:


Main Deck (40):


Monsters (12):

Blue-Eyes White Dragon x3

Rabidragon x3

Gogiga Gagagigo x3

Spiral Serpent x3


Spells (18):

Heart of the Underdog x3

Trade-In x3

Ancient Rules x3

Mausoleum of the Emperor x3

Swing of Memories x3

Monster Reborn x1

Dark Hole x1

Foolish Burial x1


Traps (10): 

Birthright x3

Call of the Haunted x3

Champion's Vigilance x3

Torrential Tribute x1


Extra Deck (6):

Thunder End Dragon x3

Hieratic Sun Dragon Overlord of Heliopolis x3


Thanks in advance for your feedback.




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