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Rebellion - Revengers


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Grade 0: 17

4x Freezing Revenger (D)

1x Frontline Revenger, Claudas

4x Grim Revenger (C)

4x Revenger, Air Raid Dragon (C)

4x Healing Revenger (H)


Grade 1: 14

4x Barrier Revenger, Dorin

1x Buranbau, Revenger

4x Dark Revenger, Mac Lir

1x Revenger, Dark Bond Trumpeter

4x Transient Revenger, Masquerade


Grade 2: 11

3x Black Clothed Revenger, Tarutu

4x Blaster Dark Revenger

4x Revenger of Nullity, Masquerade


Grade 3: 8

4x Revenger of Damned Dreams, Mordred the Phantom

4x Revenger, Raging Form Dragon

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  • 2 weeks later...



-1 Buranbau

+1 Dorin


Dorin is actually amazing as hell, and Buranbau's only okay. Keeping 1 for Mordred shenanigans, but that's it.


-1 Tartu

+1 Blaster Dark Revenger


Tartu is somewhat winmoar at times while Blaster Dark Revenger is something I want pretty much all game. It's so much better than its original self because of the competent support for it in the forms of Dorin and Mordred.


Also Mordred is absolutely amazing beyond all reason and I want to run 12 of him.


Only issue with the deck is that it's a bit TOO CB heavy, so once I'm out of them, it becomes reliance on drawing Raging Folms.

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  • 1 month later...

Unsure if I should've bumped this or not...


Oh well, it's on the front page.


Blaster Dark Revenger and Barrier Revenger, Dorin


Because these are legitimately the best cards in the deck, plus Mordred. Dorin's unflipping is live throughout the whole game and enables so many plays you wouldn't expect to be live due to the heavy CB cost many Shaladins have. BDR is searchable removal that, with the help of Mordred, can singlehandedly hit any Vanguard in the game, unboosted. While this is also true of Tarutu and Masquerade, BDR has the benefit of being searchable removal and having its own Damage Unflipper.


You can never have enough BDR or Dorin. They are Shaladin staples at 4, as far as I'm concerned


Dark Bond Trumpeter


While not the most live card, and a 6K, it's great if you have a free damage in the Late Game for Raging Form, because you can call a Draw Trigger from the deck to sack for it. It's a decent tech, thanks to Chris Buraseru for the idea. Being a Revenger is a real selling point, too, because it's at least a booster for Form that he can nomnom. I'd never run more than 1, though.


Frontline Revenger, Claudas


Related to his elder brother and Blaster Dark Revenger, but warrants his own mention. It's a CB1 that pulls BDR from the deck, provided you have a Grade 3, and between Dorin, Mordred, BDR, and Claudas, it's a nice, splashable engine for assorted Shaladin decks.




I would never run more than one, but the one copy is amazing, because mordred searches a 15K booster from the deck to support Raging Form's pushes. Together, they swing for 36, and then there's the threat of dropping ANOTHER Ragin Form @21. Being a Revenger makes it worth it.


Black Clothed Revenger, Tarutu


UGH SHE IS SO MEDIOCRE I DON'T LIKE HER AT ALLLLLLLLLLLLL. I run her because she's decent, and I'd rather have her over a vanilla when crossrides aren't as relevant at the moment. She's also searchable, if I feel like using CB3 to spawn a column out of thin air, or CB4 to get 3 units from the deck (Via Dark Bond, Mordred, Tarutu). I mean, it's instant Raging Form fuel, but still seems so mediocre and costly.


Trigger Line-up


I want more Draws and fewer crits but at this time this is not optimal due to the lack of another Revenger Draw Trigger, which, given that I'm running Dark Bond for its trigger sacking, seems like something just to wait out.


Ideal would be 5xD and 7xC, but, again, I cannot do so effectively at this time.

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