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IRL Agents


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I rebuilt my Agents after testing Card Trooper, which seems to work well.

Good comments and suggestions are appreciated.




Just a couple of things that I would like to point out:

• I would use 2 Trags over the Reaper and Gorz if I could, but I don't have extras right now.

• I also currently don't have an extra Call, since initially I would have liked to run 3 of them.

• I'm not a fan of the non-Trap variant, so preferably I would like to avoid Treacherous Trap Hole and such.



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Mmmh, I really don't like Gorz with 2 Call of the Haunted and a big trapline....

As I said, the only reason I run it is because I don't have Trag. But I do like having it there, and I've triggered it more than people would think :p

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I'd suggest Herald of Faithful Light, but seeing as this is IRL...

A Foolish over the Reaper?

Yeah, if I get it with JOTL comes out, it's definitely going in the Extra Deck here.

And I can do that, but the only targets I would really want to foolish are Krystia and Hyperion, so I don't know if it's really worth it or now.

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