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Bad Madolche Nights

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Why don't you have any Rank 3s? Hootcake absolutely loves Leviair. And I would also either drop or side the third chain for Judgment.


3 Cruffy over 3 Mew, imo. Its a free 2300 Atk beater with Chateau and Madolche don't always need the Special Summon since they recycle so much and you've got Double Summon anyways.

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Why don't you have any Rank 3s? Hootcake absolutely loves Leviair. And I would also either drop or side the third chain for Judgment.


3 Cruffy over 3 Mew, imo. Its a free 2300 Atk beater with Chateau and Madolche don't always need the Special Summon since they recycle so much and you've got Double Summon anyways.


 I totally forgot my Rank 3s and I'm switching Crous and Mew.

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The Rank 3 X-Saber for sure. You could also go with 3 Hoot instead of 3 Cruss.


Have you tried Redux & it's baby? Their pretty good in Madolches.


Most of the time, I have no target in Graveyard to banish /:

Haven't tried Redox and Reactan in this build, but they're for sure SO GOOD. Anyway I'm aiming for a build without them.


Adding X-Saber instead of Utopia.

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