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Serenade of Awe


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Dimensions: 150x150



Text: N/A

Colors: Anything you want

Other: It's Loki, the god of Mischief so use your creativity as you like




Dimensions: (Same size you have for the picture in your Sig.)

Image: jyb6.jpg

Text: Come on boys, it's time we kill my dear brother

Colors: Anything you want.

Other: Same as Avi

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Avatar and Sig please...
I'd like them both using the same render, just not the same... (i.e. not a 100x100 cut-out of the sig)
Dimensions: 400x200

Text: Trials
Colors: Any color that is anime-ish and suits the render...
Others: Nothing really, other that trying to keep the anime-one piece atmosphere of the pic...
Dimensions: 150x150
Render: Same as above^^
Text: No Text
Colors: Same info as above^^
Other: Same info as above ^^

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A sig, please.


Dimensions - however far it is from the base of the render to the top of his head x about 400.



You can cut the right hand off, just make him as tall as his head[/spoiler]


Colours- Light Blue mainly


Text- "Cavani" in Black along the left side, put the render towards the right.

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