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Serenade of Awe


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Text: N/A

Color: Same with the one in the other

Other: Make it in somewhat of a florescent darkness - Blue, Black, and Silver. Make everything else the same as the Sig.

Picture: bluedarkness.png


Dimensions: 400x200.
Render: Same pic as the avatar.
Text: Prime-Ace John
Colors: Same as the colors in the pic - keep it the same
Others: Try making it like a Dark-Space kind of theme.



Thanks! :D

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Logo please. I'm being pretty vague because I have very little requirements. Giving you a lot of creative control.

Text: C2MK

Dimensions: Medium-Large

Colors: Red and Navy Blue

Other: It can't look too serious & organized. Just be creative.

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Basic 90x90 Size
[Spoiler=Render] http://www.deviantart.com/art/Yutazou-Render-366733182[/spoiler]
Text: N/A
Colors: Whatever matches

Text: Born and Breed
Colors: Whatever match
Other: Have fun

[Spoiler=Custom Image]
Colors:Whatever works
Other: Make destruction in the background if you can

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Avi and siggy request incoming.



Dimensions: 90x90




Text: N/A

Colors: Same as sig. 

Other: Can you make it seem mecha-ish? 




Dimensions: 500x200




Text: Daughter of Heaven

Colors: Same as avi. 

whoop borderline 18+ material. 
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This is a free service? Holy smokes, Batman! 



Dimensions: 600 x 200

Render: [spoiler='Render']6841_render_joker_1.png[/spoiler]

Text: Everything burns.

Colors: Well, as it's the joker; it should be dark blues/purples and dark greens, and then some fire related colours/imagery to go with the text.


I think that's everything. Much appreciated, thanks Torm.

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