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Herladic Rising Form the Commonc

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This Is my local Heraldic deck list that is part for the Portugal YCS winning one , this deck has beaten prophecy, inzektors, dragons, glads, heroes, evilswarms,..., comment and criticism, card suggestions are welcomed please.




Heraldic Beast Leo x3

Heraldic Beast Basilisk x3

Heraldic Beast Eale x3

Heraldic Beast unicorn x1

Goblinberg x3

Photon Thrasher x2

Dust Knight x2




Heraldry Reborn x3

Advanced Heraldry Art x3

Pot of Duality x2

Foolish Burial x1

Monster Reborn x1

Dark Hole x1

Heavy Storm x1

MST x2





Heraldic Change x3

Bottomless x2

Mirror force x2

Torrential Tribute x1

call Of the Haunted x1






Gem-Knight Pearl x2

Number 8 Heraldic King Gnome Heritage x2

Shock Master x2

Heroic champion Excalibur x1

Heroic champion Ganadiva x1

Blade Armor Ninja x1

Thinderspark Dragon x1

Photon Papiloperative x1

Gigagaga the Risen x1

Number 39 Utopia x1

C39 Utopia Ray x1


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