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Photon Blaster Dragons

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preparing for the upcoming release of the elemental dragons and blue-eyed silver (how soon if ever are we getting this guy?) This deck needs a lot of bug-fixes. it has a very steady draw and grave power engine. I just need to figure out how to boost the summon power. i feel like i should drop the BLS and Pulsars and do a rescue rabbit/lavalval engine. what do you all think?


Deck = 40



3x Blaster Dragon

3x Burner Dragon

3x Blue-eyes

2x blue-eyed maiden

3x White stone

2x pulsar

1x trag

1x bls envoy

2x dimensional alchemist

2x tour guide

1x night assailant

1x galaxy-eyes


1x galaxy knight



2x trade-in

2x cards of consonance

2x ravine

3x sword of seven stars

1x reborn

1x heavy

1x dark hole

1x dragon mirror



1x return from D.D.




3x blue-eyed silver

1x neo galaxy

1x thunder end

1x no. 11 big eye

1x sacred wyvern

1x red dragon

1x red nova

1x stardust

1x shootin quasar

1x catastor

1x mist wurm

1x leviair

1x librarian


edit: for some reason deck didnt post first time

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Why are you running Galaxy-Eyes and Galaxy Knight in the first place? Galaxy Knight is only useful if you have control a Photon or Galaxy, and the only other Photon/Galaxy monster is that one copy of Galaxy-Eyes. In which case, you seem to be using Knight solely for the Level 8 Normal Summon when you already have Galaxy-Eyes, and you could fit that role with mediocre cards like Parsec, or better cards like Barbaros.


Your Deck name implies a focus on Photon/Galaxy-Eyes, but you have no dedication to either, so I got the impression they're just kind of there when different Level 8 monsters could take the role.

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basically they are a lvl 8 fodder for neo galaxy. ive ran it on YGO pro many times now. and it's actually pretty effective. and when i can't use knight it becomes fodder for Ravine and Trade-in without having to waste anything i shouldn't in my hand.

but i took out the chaos engine. threw in 2 rabbits, and 4 vanilla fires for lavaval. should i just replace the lavaval rabbit with photon/galaxy cards instead?

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