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[Kaijudo] Razorhide

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Going based off Duel masters, there are Nature civilization cards that allow take cards out of your mana zone, and put them into your hand. I do not know if  Kajido has added those cards yet.


Anyways, I prefer using Bronze-Armed Tribe, but thats just me because it does its right there and then. without having to wait with the guess of getting destroyed during your opponent's turn.


And on the ability itself, for anything with Nature Civilization is really important to accelerate you mana count at least once or twice to get your bigger creatures/spells out before your opponent does. Plus taking into account that the Light civilization has alot of high powered blockers for somewhat cheap. Which makes getting to your bigger creatures before your opponent can throw out big blockers, can be the difference between you winning or losing.  



[I am doing all this based on playing Duel masters on GBA with a Fire/Nature hit-and-run rush deck, and playing alittle of Kajudo online using Fire and Nature Civilization.]

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