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Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom ~ Infernity Xyz

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3 Infernity Archfiend

3 Infernity Necromancer

2 Stygian Street Patrol

2 Summoner Monk

1 Armageddon Knight

1 Dark Grepher

1 Tour Guide from the Underworld


3 Mystical Space Typhoon

2 Night Beam

3 Upstart Goblin

2 Pot of Duality

1 Monster Gate

1 Monster Reborn

1 Infernity Launcher

1 Reinforcement of the Army

1 Foolish Burial


3 Infernity Barrier

3 Infernity Break

2 Bottomless Trap Hole

2 Torrential Tribute

1 Solemn Warning

1 Solemn Judgment


2 Lavalval Chain

1 Diamond Dire Wolf

1 Gagaga Cowboy

1 Abyss Dweller

1 Number 39: Utopia

1 Maestroke the Symphony Djinn

1 Photon Papilloperative

1 Gem-Knight Pearl

1 Number 66: Master Key Beetle

1 Number 16: Shock Master

1 Wind-Up Zenmaines

1 Number 17: Leviathan Dragon

1 Tentempo the Percussion Djinn

1 Leviair the Sea Dragon


3 Prohibition

3 Twister

3 Vanity's Emptiness

3 Anti-Spell Fragrance

2 Eradicator Epidemic Virus

1 Heavy Storm



Deck is mostly IRL, sans, Master Key Beetle being OCG. I'm missing 2 Night Beams, and that's about it, I'm waiting on a second Chain in the mail. I may get a pic of this, because pic.dek is always cool beans. If my card choices look funky to you, they probably are, just this is what works for me, personal preference is a wonderful thing, but I feel I should explain a few.


No Dark Hole/Heavy Storm in Maindeck: I feel that post-LTGY, Dark Hole is mediocre against half, or more, of the metagame decks. Dragon Rulers do not care. Prophecy have Lance Book, as well as the fact their boards are usually small, consisting usually of only a Boss Monster and a few backrow, or similar. Evilswarm have Pandemic Lance. Fire Fists are a granted, as are Mermails, although Mermails have such an amazing offensive game that they can usually reset pretty simply. I also don't like the card in this deck on the grounds that, in Infernity, your field presence is everything. You lose your whole board? Short of topdecking Mirage or Archfiend, you lose. While I have Torrential in here, and that sounds like a complete hypocrisy of what I've just said; Torrential at the very least can be used mid-opponent play, keeping them from making combos that would usually end the game. Even then, I rarely ever Torrential, but when I do, I generally use it when my opponent's going into a play badly, where I can basicially easily punish for game. It's helpful in one of my least favorite matchups, being Karakuri. I just find Dark Hole to be unneccesary this format. Heavy Storm also feels a bit like this. Infernity are one of the biggest backrow decks in the game, quite possibly the deck that wants to set the most of any deck.


 The last thing I want to do is Storm my own stuff. You already play 3 Typhoon and 2 Beams, Break can function as another 3 Typhoons, making for a total of 8 cards that take off backrow. Once again, all the decks I'm worried about, Prophecy, Dragon Ruler, and to a certain extent, Karakuri, they all focus very minimally on backrow for the most part. Prophecy have their Field Spell, but the moment you kill that you're dealing with another Monster. Dragon Ruler runs like 1 Trap. Karakuri are just Buttrush.dek. Mermail only really run Sphere, and the ones that run Decree, yeah, you have the removal to get rid of that usually, if not, just side it in. Fire Fist, I haven't really got a chance to test too much against them. Even then, it feels mediocre against them considering they merely launch Tenki, you have 8 Typhoons to kill anything else, why do you need more?



Vanity's Emptiness: This deck makes Master Key Beetle, a lot. Master Key Beetle and Vanity's Emptiness makes for one of the most cruel softlocks in the whole game. I honestly feel like this card is so good right now, in this deck. Think about it. You have 3 Barrier. You have Master Key Beetle. Every deck in the metagame relies on Special Summoning en masse. Then there's the fact that once Master Key Beetle puts protection on Vanity's Emptiness, cards can touch Graveyard and Vanity's Emptiness will not destroy itself, because it can't. It's a softlock sure, it can be broken by destroying Key Beetle. But can you destroy Key Beetle through a Barrier? How about 2? 3? Without Special Summoning? Oh, and because Key Beetle prevents Vanity's Emptiness from destroying itself, you can then drop second material onto protecting something else.


have at my Theory-Oh! YCM. Me once again proving I suck at this game?


EDIT: Noticed I had a 14 card side. Fixed.

EDIT 2: Holy fuck I shouldn't type decklists whilst tired. There's an Abyss Dweller in here too.

Change log:

-1 Beam +1 Foolish: Just realised I wasn't playing this.

-1 Mirage; it actually sucks dick. +1 SJ; it's still really good this format despite all the OTKs, ignore me.

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No Instant Fusion? Card is amazing here. Helps make your Xyz's and can help make Key Beetle easier by bringing out Darkfire Dragon.


And you should be maining Solemn Judgment imo. It's good for protecting your backrow and acting as another barrier, and also from stopping your opponent from chaining annoying things during your draw/standby phase while your Barriers/breaks don't function. And hey, it's definitely better than BTH. And against Prophecy, it's usually better to not Solemn the Book of Judgment, you let it go through, then Solemn the Secrets. That can often be crippling.

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No Instant Fusion? Card is amazing here. Helps make your Xyz's and can help make Key Beetle easier by bringing out Darkfire Dragon.


I'm debating testing Instant Fuse, I just need the extra space. I'm adding SJ back in, ironicially I need space for it again. I'll post a updated decklist later. Also considering negging mirage for a second TGU.

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