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Awesome deck, although the two main cards of the deck have kinda low ATK, so maybe try some cards that increase your monster's or decrease your opponent's monster's ATK.

Also, as a lot of cards have low DEF, you should try some cards that change monsters battle positions, a good one is

Memory Loss out of LTGY, and Butterflyoke out of GAOV for battle protection.

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Maybe. A bit iffy on it, but if I can get the space, I might test it.

been a long time since ive seen any kind of timeater lock build 

maybe where arf thow?


i put together timeater lock down build around a year ago using black garden but that had a problem with damage out put...

anyways how is it testing so far?

Arf thou only searches Eater and Fool. Eh.

It's testing ok, but those decks and their OTKs nowadays...


Awesome deck, although the two main cards of the deck have kinda low ATK, so maybe try some cards that increase your monster's or decrease your opponent's monster's ATK.

Also, as a lot of cards have low DEF, you should try some cards that change monsters battle positions, a good one is

Memory Loss out of LTGY, and Butterflyoke out of GAOV for battle protection.


I don't think you get it...

The point of this deck is to make a lock/loop - Level eater in Grave, a Miracle flipper on the opponent's field, a timeater, and a GLN is hand do this, as you can keep resummoning GLN and level eater with each other, use timeater to kill the flipper, then tengu to hurt them, and thus, they only get a Draw, Standby, and End Phase. Though I suppose the deck is hurt if they have any other monster, but I have soul taker for a reason. Maybe I should put in a couple of smashing grounds as well, though.

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