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How Do We Resuscitate YCM?


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I can't help but what on all the drama that is unfolding, drama that Alfred didn't want but is feeding anyways. Alfred, why do you keep on responding if you want to that this to PM/Skype? It seems you expect people to do one thing and don't do what you tell others to do. I honestly believe that you need to calm down and think about what you are going to do next. Anyway, onto the matter at hand considering I do have things to say.


Alfred, you have mentioned that the sections should be treated like individual states. If that is the case, you shouldn't have expected help with your election. It's like you have the same double standard that you fight against. You say that the power moderators possess make them two faced. Are you so sure about that? It seems you make the moderators sound like they are an evil dictatorship that needs to be destroyed. Could it be that you are angry about your demotion? Reality check Alfred, crap happens. And you are acting like a spoiled child who had their toys taken away from their parents right now. How about you act like the better man that you say you are and just let things be?


Yes, you have done stuff for the section. However, how long did those things last? If you remember, your supposed "fool-proof" election failed due to it turning to a straight-up popularity contest. You claim that the other moderators didn't help you when you presented it, but I assume you didn't bother cooperating with them. When the election failed, you could have redone it as Pika suggested by making it Alternative vote instead. But no, you didn't listen and the election was chalked up as a complete failure. The problem I see in your argument is that you have not accepted responsibility for your actions. Not only that, you try pushing the responsibility onto others. That is not how a moderator is supposed to behave. You know that, and you still behaved like that during and after your modship.


If I'm sounding extremely harsh, I'm sorry. However, you really need reality to smack you in the face right now. We can't sugar-coat things for you. Now, can we all just calm the f*** down and get on with what this thread is supposed to exist for? I'm getting f***cking tired of having this be rant-central. Okay?


tl;dr: Do what you tell others to do. Accept responsibility for your actions. Stop ranting continuously and get back to what's important.


OT: Like I've mentioned before, we need to get the members involved. We can't expect the moderators to do everything, and members need to take the initiative to better the site. The moderators give us members the tools needed, we just need to use them. I'm getting fed up with all the complaining on how this site is dying and that there is little to do here. If people want this site to improve, then they need to put some effort into it.

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In response to Caeda, at least, I presume it to be Caeda, I have quite happily recognized the flaws of the election. More on that later, of course, but I feel that I have addressed it many times before and accepted that I was wrong, on several counts. AV is particular, I deign to add - it was very stubborn of me to not accept that, and unlike other people here, I'm not going to go "there was bad stuff going on at home" or deliver some other BS excuse - the truth is, I was just being a dick and blinded by my combined impotence and annoyance. There you go - unlike a fair few people on YCM, I don't have to be goaded into posting an apology - I'm quite happy to admit my flaws and offer my sincere apologies of my own volition. This is how people should act, but they rarely do - that's another problem that needs addressing: simple maturity.


The reasons for my lack of activity are as follows - throughout the few months running up to exams, I lost internet access due to my computer (along with my phone) being removed, so that I may work like a six-year-old in a Chinese sweatshop (at least, that was what I said to my parents, before, quite reasonably, they decided to confiscate my DS as well for being a rude little shit). I occasionally got access back, but my parents, being the forward-thinkers they are, did not tell me when and for how long they would confiscate/return my computer, so I was under the impression, that, whenever I got my computer back, it would be the end of the whole confiscation debacle. Put simply, it wasn't, hence my fluctuating activity. Then there was the fact my Skype account decided to stop working. Oh, and the constant "business trips", in which I would be locked in a hotel room with my workbooks until I produced however many pages of notes, et cetera, ad nauseam. Now, there is a fairly solid reason for my inactivity. My lack of presence in CC had something to do with the fact that I was up against two other moderators who, like me, had patchy activity, but also stopped me from doing any of the things I wanted to in CC. I'm sorry for posting a long paragraph about this, but this is the first time I have been given the opportunity to fully explain myself. I didn't get the chance to do this before the staff in the Mod Forum or even via Skype. I wasn't even told by any of them that I was to be demoted until it happened - even then, it was through a stickied thread in RC. Hina had dropped me a PM, but that was days ago. I didn't have access to my computer, so what could I do?


Now, onto Striker. Striker, you may not have understood that I was referring to the issue of my demotion when I said "I will ask you to reply my personal rant via PM or Skype, as I do not wish to cloud the good discussion in this thread with personal drama." I was not referring to my little platitudes here as a whole - just the internal problems and duplicity within staff members whom I thought were pleasant colleagues, so your accusations of hypocrisy and bringing my personal problems into the problems of the entire site are, I am afraid, misfounded. Now, you say that I have not accepted responsibility for my actions. I have done just that - I have stated, many times, that the election was a failure and that I was certainly partly to blame. What I did do, you see, was also say that other moderators hardly did anything to help. And you, I am afraid, ignore the crux of my simile when you say that I should not have expected help - I did not expect help. I asked for help, much in the same way a US state will call in the FBI to deal with more serious problems or a town calls for police reinforcements on the day of a big football game. 


Furthermore, the whole "crap happens" thing. "It seems you make the moderators sound like they are an evil dictatorship that needs to be destroyed." - Well, tell me, what are they? They are corrupt, that is for certain, they are shady too. They chucked me out of their little club because I disagreed with them. The other two moderators were just as inactive, if not worse, and we all had valid reasons (I do apologize for bringing up my own case, again, but I only do so because it illustrates the issue better than other cases). Does it not strike you as suspicious that I'm the only one who gets kicked out? At least Pika was up front about saying that I was got rid of "partly" (read: entirely) for being the only dissenting voice on most topics there. Sure, I'm hardly perfect, if anything, I'm more flawed than most, but tell me, what kind of governing authority chucks out dissenters? A dictatorship, and that they are. "How about you act like the better man that you say you are and just let things be?" What does the better man do when confronted with something that is unfair and wrong? If the people who govern the site I care about are being demagogic and corrupt, I'm not going to "let things be." Why should I, no, why should we, as a site, accept the fact that there are problems and just go with it? If there is a problem, you should work to fix it. Most of our moderators are far happier to do as little as they can. I prefer to actually try.


EDIT: On a perhaps a little unrelated note, Koko, did you and the rest of the staff get my farewell letter? Just because I thought it was quite polite and that it was rather rude not to receive a reply.

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YCM is dying? Well, if you call 68 members, 575 guests, and 2 anonymous users online in the past 15 minutes around the 8 PM hour "dying"...


EDIT: Refreshing the front page less than a minute after posting, now, we have 74 members online.

From back when there were 500+ online at a time and you couldnt find a light blue link in general to save your life.... its slowly dying.

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I'm pretty sure that I've seen this thread happen at least twice before, usually something happens that makes everybody forget about this thread and act like nothing ever happened.



I mean, I've seen plenty of newcomers tell us that we are excessively harsh. And it's not just on the mods' part, so don't take it that way. Most of YCM has built a very scornful way of communicating with noobs. I have a feeling that it's because of the environment that people have become like this. Also, a lot of people try to one-up the next person on funny insults.



Making fun of newcomers has become a spectator sport.


I know a lot about that right there, when I was new I got trolled and bashed to hell and back because I either wasn't cool enough (unless I tried to imitate trolls) or I missed one small bit of grammar in the OCG of a card.

I even remember Dark trying to get my personal information and nobody really doing anything to stop him.

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  • 2 weeks later...

In my opinion YCM cant be resuscitated, Yu-Gi-Oh isn't as popular as it used to be and there aren't enough people joining the site (and posting) as there used to be.



It's been a bloody long time since I've seen you here o.O


But I don't think Yugioh is any less popular than it was 3-4 years ago, I mean the only stats I have to go on are tournament entries, the 2nd biggest YCS ever was this February and my locals numbers have gone from about 16 to 30. The issue is that the card maker is out of date and it's becoming harder and harder for a new member to break into the society of YCM and most people just give up.

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It's been a bloody long time since I've seen you here o.O


But I don't think Yugioh is any less popular than it was 3-4 years ago, I mean the only stats I have to go on are tournament entries, the 2nd biggest YCS ever was this February and my locals numbers have gone from about 16 to 30. The issue is that the card maker is out of date and it's becoming harder and harder for a new member to break into the society of YCM and most people just give up.


Sometimes I like to come back and check if YCM's as active as it used to be. :D


Interesting statistics there, tbh there are too many possibilities to why YCM isn't active anymore.

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I think a major issue is that the mods have made the site much more attractive to existing members but haven't done as much to encourage new members to not only just make a few posts but actually stay on as well. 

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I think a major issue is that the mods have made the site much more attractive to existing members but haven't done as much to encourage new members to not only just make a few posts but actually stay on as well. 

Well, you know the old formula: Quality>Quantity

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What encouragement did we have to stay when we joined?


We didn't have any encouragement but these days I feel mods are a little cruel to new members, particularly in RC, although it has got better with the new AoC forum which means cards aren't just locked. My first set of cards was dreadful but it was never locked because of reasons I don't understand. I feel people will learn over time and while possibly a reprimand is in order I don't think it's ever right to lock threads for things such as "bad design" which means nothing to the people who post the cards in the first place.

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We didn't have any encouragement but these days I feel mods are a little cruel to new members, particularly in RC, although it has got better with the new AoC forum which means cards aren't just locked. My first set of cards was dreadful but it was never locked because of reasons I don't understand. I feel people will learn over time and while possibly a reprimand is in order I don't think it's ever right to lock threads for things such as "bad design" which means nothing to the people who post the cards in the first place.


Ahhh, totally know what you mean now, and I agree. I remember my first cards getting comments saying "try to improve ...." and it was all friendly, but its not now.

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Ahhh, totally know what you mean now, and I agree. I remember my first cards getting comments saying "try to improve ...." and it was all friendly, but its not now.

On the other hand, counting the past month, I've looked back and every single other thread in RC has gotten at least one comment with good criticism, constructive criticism, thoughtful discussion on the card at hand. Quality has improved.

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