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The Rapture


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Do you mind if I ask what the original stock, if any, was? It gives a better idea of what's been done. Feels perhaps oversharpened, but the overall effect is impressively hi-fi. I'd say smooth out that top-left corner, and maybe add a touch of noise to the top-right. Be subtle though. It's an aesthetically pleasing piece of art, and the decision to stick to a fairly limited colour scheme was intelligent. I would still suggest toning down the cyans just a little, or emphasising the shadows a little, so there's more contrast. Otherwise, what you have is a lot of murky midtones.

On the text, I'd remove it entirely. There seems to be a bevel/emboss going on, which isn't massively attractive. It's not massively awful text, but the canvas size is a bit limiting and there's not really any space to put it that's both technically correct and not interfering with the crowded cityscape.

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Yeah, I'd say adding a tad bit of noise would help with the feel. The wallpaper is generally quite smooth, but the smaller canvas and sharpening calls for more detail, rather than a super sleek feel. Seems that the noisey top left corner was part of the actual wallpaper. Without context, it looks weird. I'd still say blur it out, if possible. I think it's a good crop, and overall good piece of art. You could possibly even just take it in a slightly different direction of your choice so you have something a little more different from the stock.

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