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[Nw] ZEDD - Clarity ft. Foxes and Night


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Genius. I never particularly liked the album cover of Clarity, despite enjoying the album itself. The hi-fi look works, as does the incessant number of lighting sources. I do think that album covers should have a reduced depth, so there should be less blurring in my opinion. Red and green colour scheme is impressive, and rightfully saturated to the fullest, while stock integration has been done well. I greatly like it. Typography in it is neat too. Is the font used for Zedd a default or has it been pentooled?

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Here's the thing with the depth, it is more obligatory than you think.

Notice the left side of the piece, that heavy blur near the horizon accompanied with the intense lighting makes it seem as though there is a slight bend to the edge, making it circular rather than flat-lined. If you look at it in this perspective, it looks as if you're actually on a planet overlooking a secondary planet.


You don't really get that perspective otherwise. 


And the logo is the actual logo I found on google and then overlayed. 


Thanks for the critique, I had a feeling you might enjoy this. We should definitely collaborate on an album as they are quite fun to make. 

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