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[MtG]Semi-Budget Izzet Burn[Standard]

Miror B

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I'm going to post choice reasons below the list. Look out for them.


Creature Spells:

4x Guttersnipe



2x Curiosity


Other Spells:

3x Annihilating Fire

4x Counterflux

2x Cyclonic Rift

3x Electrickery

1x Epic Experiment

3x Geistflame

3x Inaction Injunction

3x Izzet Charm

3x Pillar of Flame

4x Searing Spear

1x Sleep

3x Think Twice



4x Steam Vents

4x Sulfur Falls

6x Islands

7x Mountains



Side Deck:

2x Izzet Staticaster

3x Psychic Spiral

4x Skullcrack

4x Tormod's Crypt

2x idek


[spoiler=Card choices in case you're interested]

Guttersnipe > I consider it staple for anything like this. Everything triggers it. Only creature I want to play because the format's so hateful on creatures right now (at least in my area. Searing spear everywhere)

Curiosity > For combo with Guttersnipe. Pretty much there to help with the problem of dropping my entire hand and not being able to recover.

Annihilating Fire > I find it a good burn spell. Spear is better of course, but I'm running 4 so don't use that to argue please :/

Counterflux > 13 red sources means that last mana won't be a problem. Counterspell, can't be countered, nuff said.

Cyclonic Rift > If it's not a land, it's a target. It's versatile, probably comparable to unsummon, but has that overload in case the game goes too long. Really hurts tokens.

Electrickery > I had trouble here. This, Pillar and Geistflame all seem good. This hits aggro hard with overload. Pillar is 2 for those times where I can't help but let Champion live a bit longer. Geistflame hits players and has that late game flashback for Guttersnipe. 3 of each is what I decided on but I'm iffy on that.

Epic Experiment > Meant as a game finisher. Any more than 1 just gets too cloggy and I need space for other cards.

Geistflame > See Electrickery.

Inaction Injunction > It's put in work. No it's not a Spear but it stops stuff and then cycles. Sorcery Speed is eh but I've liked it in testing.

Izzet Charm > Creature hate in the form of burn, control that hits those Spears and consistency engine.

Pillar of Flame > See Elecktrickery.

Searing Spear > Staple burn spell of the format as far as I'm concerned. You play red? You play this.

Sleep > Really good against Midrange and Aggro if I've stalled them enough. Gives me a free turn while also triggering Snipe. Dead easily so I don't plan on going over 2.

Think Twice > I compare this to Inaction Injunction because of the draw really. But Instant Speed and Flashback are both pros, while it's not really a control card otherwise.

Land base > I want double blue for Counterflux, but I'm really dependant on early game Red for my burn. So I evened out besides that 1 mountain. So yea.



I also need a side deck. Stuff like Tormod's Crypt and possibly Psychic Spiral seem obvious, but I don't know what others have to say about it.

Also yes I know I could probably go America with this and do a lot more but for now I'm keeping it to R/U. I don't have money for America lands and I don't feel like spending $80+ last minute.

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