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Fire Fists for Nationals

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It has a good matchup against every meta deck except Macro Rabbit, and I don't think too many people will be playing that.

The mirror match is also awkward, but I've tried to build my deck so I have the edge in the mirror.

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I actually realized that Nationals is 1 day before Tachyon's official release, so I can't play Cardinal. Also means I don't have to worry about Spellbooks or E-Drags.

Suggestions for trap line-up changes?

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if theres no e-drags or spellbooks, neg those breakthroughs for trap stun. trap stun is godly in the mirror match.


Breakthrough Skill is fantastic against Rabbit though, which is my worst matchup. I might take the Compulsory and the Retort out of the side deck for Trap Stuns though. I will test it.

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Made a couple of changes to the Side/Extra to make up for no LTGY. Also I've taken out 1 Tensu for a second Mirror Force.


Its been testing really well and I even win with bad hands most of the time cos Tensu uses up all my dead Gene-Warped's and stuff. Still need to test the Side-Deck.

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