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Worm Deck

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Worm Apocolypse X2

Worm Cartaros X3

Worm Erokin

Worm Linx

Worm King

Worm Queen

Worm Prince

Worm Solid X2 

Worm Victory

Worm Warlord

Worm Xex X2

Worm Yagan X2


Lion Alligator



Book of Moon

Dark Hole

Heavy Storm

Monster Reborn

Mystical Space Typhoon X2

Worm Call X2

Pot Of Duality X2



Offering to The Snake Deity X2

Alien Brain

"W" Nebula Meteor X3

Beckoning Light

Solemn Judgement

Solemn Warning

Bottomless Trap Hole



King Feral Imp X3

Number 39: Utopia

Maestroke, the Symphony Djinn

Number 50: Blackship of Corn

Abyss Dweller

Consteller Omega

Lavalval Chain

Daigusto Emeral

Gagaga Cowboy

Starliege Paladynamo

Steelswarm Roach

Gem-Knight Pearl

Photon Papiloperative



I want to run a reptile deck and i think i like worms the most. Any ideas?

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Erokin and Prince are slow and not as powerful as King, even with Worm Call. More Kings and Xexes would do good. You generally don't need Queen if you haven't maxed out King. Pot of Avarice is a great card here. Warlord is OK but you aren't running Forbidden Lance (or Call of the Haunted, for Paradynamo tricks). I'd suggest Evil Dragon Ananta because it's searchable with King Feral Imp as a finisher.

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