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Survey for New TCG


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Hi guys, 


Some associates and i are currently in the midst of developing a brand new TCG.


I really wanted to ask you what your thoughts would be on it, and how you would like to see it play out. Alot of the feedback that i have had back from beta testers was too have less auto piloting so that the game required a lot more skill. If you guys would leave a comment saying what you would like to see from this game. E.G ( playing styles, rules, card rarities, archetypes ) 


Your feedback would be much appreciated,


Thank you :) 

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Card Templates, Rule books and such are still under going production at the moment but we anticipate that we should be releasing late this year or early next year but we should be holding like test events up and down the UK before release anyway. But i will put templates and rules up as soon as they are complete :) 

We are also in the process of setting up our website and making the rules video.

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Preferably something that isn't like Yu-Gi-Oh! circa within the past 5 years.


Also, it would be nice if you gave something about the card game instead of just "tell us what you would like from it." If I wanted something out of a self-created card game, I'd make my own. In fact, I did.

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I'm curious why that is listed. Having played MTG where discard effects are common I've never found it to be that powerful 

It depends upon the nature of the game. If the game is like Cardfight for example (where hand resources mean everything), discarding from the opponent's hand is borderline broken given the correct support. In a game like MtG I'm not as sure your resources matter as much so I guess that's how that goes. There's also the fact that discarding decks tend to not have a degree of skill that a lot of other decks do, just because they revolve around stopping your opponent from being skillful more than anything else.
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I feel as though it is necessary that everything should have some sort of resource pertaining to it or basic limitation attached to it.

Example: Most of the non-land cards in MtG cost mana (and the ones that don't either require other resources or only fill a niche purpose). Your ability to play them is limited by how much mana you can produce.
As for your means of producing mana, you can only play 1 land per turn.
It's not completely perfect to stop everything (due to abilities and such), but that's where Wizards' generally good card design choices comes in to make sure nothing really stupid happens. (Granted, they sometimes really screw up, but that's rare and they'll use the banhammer if really needed.)

Now let's look at Yugioh.
You can activate as many Spells as you want in a turn for free.
You can activate as many monster effects as you want in a turn. Many of these help you to Special Summon for free.
You can Special Summon as many times as you want.
The only limitation: one Normal Summon/Set per turn. This was very much a limitation at the beginning of the game, since Special Summoning was rare. But due to Konami's poor card design choices, Special Summoning is extremely rampant and you only need 1 N.S./Set per turn anyway.
Yugioh effectively became a game with just about no basic limitations, and it's plainly apparently how that's turning out.

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Now let's look at Yugioh.
You can activate as many Spells as you want in a turn for free.
You can activate as many monster effects as you want in a turn. Many of these help you to Special Summon for free.
You can Special Summon as many times as you want.
The only limitation: one Normal Summon/Set per turn. This was very much a limitation at the beginning of the game, since Special Summoning was rare. But due to Konami's poor card design choices, Special Summoning is extremely rampant and you only need 1 N.S./Set per turn anyway.
Yugioh effectively became a game with just about no basic limitations, and it's plainly apparently how that's turning out.





The game was designed like this so this is a bit of a silly thing to say. Anyway, decks that play differently than each other, and generally, that the more skillful player should win. That's all I really want.

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The game was designed like this so this is a bit of a silly thing to say.

That was a slight typo that I didn't realize. I meant to type "and it's plainly apparent how that turned out", referring to how Yugioh became a broke-fest due to crappy card design.
I suggest a resource system because any card game without those sorts of limitations seem to power creep faster.

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