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Cardfight! Vanguard Online Tournament


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For all those CFV players in YCM.....I am hosting a 10-20 man online tournament. This tournament will be 2/3 matches with elimination. In order to join you will be needing the following programs:


Cray Online ver. http://vanguard.jproject.xz.lt/index.php?topic=1226.0


And you will need Evolve to join the YCM Group (temporary use for the tourney): https://www.evolvehq.com/


Group: https://www.evolvehq.com/groups/ycm-cardfighters


Once you have all those downloaded and set up your ready to sign-up:




YCM Username:
Evolve Username:
CrayOnline Username:

I am asking for the Cray Online Username because you are allowed to change it whenever you connect/listen but please just use one for now.

If need be I will participate myself if their is an uneven amount, but hope there are enough people to make a minimum 10 people tourney.



Of course what would a tournament be without prizes....

1st place gets: 50% of the Pot and 2 reps.


2nd place gets: 25% of the pot and 1 rep.


3rd place gets: 25% of the pot.


In addition to signing up you will need to donate to me exactly 50 points. I hope to keep the pot at a minimum 500 Points but random donations are accepted, but will not affect your place in the tournament if you are a participant.


Current Pot: 0



-Remember this is a serious tournament so if you do not know how to use Cray Online or even play CFV do not bother to enter you will be basically throwing 50 points.

-If there are not enough players I will return the given 50 points however random donations (ex. Person A provides me with 10 extra points towards pot; it will not be returned) will not be returned. 

-The official tournament will hopefully start mid May and I will announce it myself. Each round will last about 1 week any player(s) that doesn't play their match will be removed regardless of the amount removed. Meaning that all screenshots must be registered before 11:59 -700 GMT Monday. Then I will take 1 day to build the bracket. This will also cause some byes to occur.

-If you don't know how to use Cray Online I suggest joining their group on Evolve and getting a few matches: https://www.evolvehq.com/groups/cray-online-official or directly using the test function or any online tutorials.

-I will post any new info in the in the OP



1. The games are randomly made and a bracket will be created after a sufficient amount of people decide to join

2. The matches are 2/3 and if you lose you're eliminated

3. Only ENGLISH TCG cards just to be fair. This means you will have to send me your decklist prior to reserving a spot. You may have hybrid decks and what not, but Barcgal is banned as the starting VG.

4. Both sides are to screenshot the end of each round for proof. This means you will have to show the field and damage zones in the screenshot. If one side fails to do so then that match must be played again until sufficient proof is given. All screenshots can either be posted here or messaged to me.

5.Any player who disconnects whether on accident or on purpose will be disqualified if proof is provided. No exceptions.

6. Any player that reserves a spot (via the sign-up) and does not pay the pot will lose their spot. All pots must be received within 2 days after the user signs up.


These rules are subject to change.




If all goes well I do hope to give better prizes such as GFX tags and irl cards so if you have any skills/items you wish to donate then just message me and I'll refer you for later.


[Important Info]

[spoiler=Player List]

These are participants that have signed-up and paid their pots.




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