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Nintendo Skipping Major Conference At E3 2013


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[url=http://www.ign.com/articles/2013/04/25/no-nintendo-press-conference-at-e3-2013?abthid=51789e3d4382074829000024]Get the full story here.[/url]


Instead of Nintendo holding its standard major press conference at this year's E3 event like previous years, NIntendo will be holding smaller events and Nintendo Direct presentations leading up to and during E3, and will continue in the future with the format of their Nintendo Direct Conferences as they have been.



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It is more of a wise move on Nintendo's part.  Rather than just trying to cram everything into one conference, they decided to make multiple, smaller conferences so that everyone can see what they are doing.

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It is more of a wise move on Nintendo's part.  Rather than just trying to cram everything into one conference, they decided to make multiple, smaller conferences so that everyone can see what they are doing.



This pretty much. As long as we get some SSB4 and or Pokemon X and Y news, I'm ok with it.

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This is really really old news, jsuk.


They're trying to cut back costs while still getting everything they have out there for everyone to see. There's certainly questions about whether they'll lose more money because the non-core-gaming populace that made the Wii the best-selling console last generation may not pay as much attention to them without the event.


Nintendo appears to be trying to focus more on their core gamers with the Nintendo Direct etc. and hoping that they won't need a press conference to reach anyone else.


We'll see how it goes.

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It's safe to say I'll be skipping E3 this year then.


Could not give less of a shit about anything Sony or Microsoft have to say because it's the same recycled bullshit we've been hearing for years.

New Call of Duty? Remind me why I give a fuck. 

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It's safe to say I'll be skipping E3 this year then.


Could not give less of a shit about anything Sony or Microsoft have to say because it's the same recycled bullshit we've been hearing for years.

Yes. Everything that they will be presenting is just a copy of what they did last year.


There's nothing new.




At all.

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