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Need some points? My Viking Set needs YOU!! *Newer Contest!*


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Hello YugiohCardMakers,


My up coming Viking set is nearing completetion but I need your help, I'm stuggling to find many pictures for Spell and Trap cards, I would greatly appreciate any and all pics you can find, but I won't be using alot of them I can guess.


Thank you very much everyone,


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I'm liking your effects Danilus, and would like to thank you for actually helping :P Still not exactly what I'm looking for, I posted 'Dauntless' in the post with the other two. I'll explain...


With the effects for the 'less' cards, it's to the point, the names almost (admitidly) perfectly suit the pics and effects, and also how the Vikings were, I'll use the other three as examples;


Fearless: Your opponent can only desigante Vikings as a target, blah. This card portrays that the Vikings were brave, and were not afraid to die (Not that they were the ones usually dying...) The Art helps prove this, that warrior looks like he is about to charge into battle, but his stance shows that he may not be ablt to win that battle.


Merciless: Any monsters destroyed by Vikings are removed from play. This card shows that the Vikings killed any and all. They would never let a retreating foe get away. They killed until all were dead. The Art shows this, as the Viking is wildly swinging his axe to try and make sure all his enemies are dead.


Dauntless: Your opponent loses 250 LP for every LV5 + monster they summon. This card is a bit cryptic, Dauntless means one is invunrable to fear or intimidation; some may say that means it's the same as Fearless, but no; "Fearless of Death, Dauntless of Foe". The Art was only thing that inspired the effect, the large dude with the axe would scare the crap out of most if it was trying to kill you; not Vikings, 250 Lifepoints is sort of a penalty for failing to intimidate. As I said; very cryptic.


Guiltless: The name for the card came really easily after I saw that pic, it was off one of the sites in your tutorial and it had this werid eyeball thing in the bottom part of the pic, I cropped that out and blew up this bit. Once I was done, I knew that would represent Guiltless. Why? Some may ask, that is easy, he is holding up a bloodied sword, quite obvious that he has just slaughtered someone, and is holding it up in the sky, up toward Odin as a prize. He's not thinking about his foe's life, whether he had a family, children, etc. He dosen't care, he has no guilt - He is Guiltless.


The trouble, of course, is finding an effect to tie in with that, I managed to think of some suitable ones for the other, but not this one. With Merciless: making sure there dead, removed from play. Fearless: They charge in regarless of whether they'll die or not - they can only be targeted. Dauntless: There opponant has failed to intimidate him, he fights on (ties in nicely with both Fearless and Merciless I think) - 250 LP penalty (Best I could do, I am open to suggestions, but I like it how it is really).


I feel a bit weird now, I'm gonna stop... :? Hope this helps, if you need anything further explained, add a reply.

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I'm hearing you loud an clear Danilus and am loving those effects, but I really would prefer if they tied in just a wee bit more with actually being Guiltless. I'm sorry to be a pain, I do very much appreciate your input. Edited last post of mine a bit.

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Continous Trap


This card can only be activated when you inflict 1000 or more damage to your opponent's Life Points as a result of battle with a monster with "Viking" in it's card name. Once per turn, you may select a monster on your side of the field with "Viking" in it's card name. During this turn, if that card inflicts battle damage to your opponent's Life Points, activate 1 of the following effects:


- Your opponent discards 1 card from their hand to the Graveyard.

- Inflict 1000 damage to your opponent's Life Points

- Tribute a card on your side of the field to take control of an opponent's monster until the second End Phase after this card's activation.


During the turn you do select a monster with this card's effect, if any other card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent's Life Points it is switched to DEF position.

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I like it' date=' I'll make a few changes, but I like it. I'll let it ponder for a few hours, hopefully by then, some more will take a bit of interest in this topic, and Danilus will have a new one hopefully aswell. 8)[/quote']

??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? Weird cards! :roll:

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? Weird cards! :roll:


Thanks (sarcasm)' date=' you're a real class act aren't you? What if I called your [i']'cards'[/i] weird, how would you feel, you troll? May I ask what makes them weird? :x Thanks for your support (sarcasm), I put alot of thought and time into just those three.

-1 Rep point for Seal, @55#013!


Regardless, I refuse to be detered by that, and here is Guiltless, the effect, in case of being to small is;

"Once per turn, you may select one Viking type monster on your side of the field. During this turn, if the selected card inflicts damage to your opponent's life points, activate one of the following effects:

-Randomly select one card from your opponent's hand and send it to the graveyard.

-Inflict 500 life points of direct damage to your opponent

-Send one face up LV6 or lower monster on your opponent's side of the field to the graveyard."


20 Points goes to both Danilus and Abbadon for the help.

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Okay, I've done nearly all the cards, however, I require a few more warrior pics, I will hand out 5 points for every good pic you can find. I am focusing on the actual Vikings, so mythological pictures are not needed - that includes dragons, etc.


Cheers, Frunk

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Thanks, I already have two of them though, and made one card with one, though the other two will come in handy, already got an idea for one. Ragnar Lodbrok was an actual Viking, this card is based on him; http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ragnar_Lodbrok, lol, it's description is disambiguated from a sentance on that page. Keep thw Vikings coming!

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