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Animal Crossing makes kids shoot people


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"Untill the day I read that someone killed another person while kart racing by throwing a turtle at them I will not accept that gaming is the only influence on one persons actions to another. "


That comment made me die.

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When can we start banning brainless, worthless excuses for humans that make BS like this? 

Eh, they're just piss poor journalists that have to spout hyperbole like this to get page views and sell more copies of whatever publication their thing is in.

"Banning them" would be a bit rash.

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I spent the whole day yesterday watching a walkthrough for Dead Island, does that make me violent, no.


People will always kill people video games or not. I think most kids are smarter than people make out when it comes to video games.

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Then you could just argue Cartoons fit into this section for their comedic violence (and why not throw comic books in there as well).


People always want to blame something other than society for it's failings.

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People always want to blame something other than society for it's failings.

Which is ironic, since Animal Crossing isn't even violent in the first place.
(....Except for trying to hit people with your axe, but even then, that doesn't do anything)
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