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Xbox One

Legend Zero

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Want another reason to facepalm at Microsoft?  http://www.cinemablend.com/games/Xbox-One-Games-E3-Were-Running-Windows-7-With-Nvidia-GTX-Cards-56737.html


Apparantly, even they couldn't trust their own systems for showing off their games, and they aren't even using their newest version of Windows, which says so much about the company.

Not news. Gameplay trailers are usually run on computers, not the games themselves.

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Yeah, even when the PS4 was announced, Watch Dogs was played on PC if I'm not mistaken.

But at least they used the PS4 to show off all of the games in their demonstrations at E3. For the most part, Microsoft were using a gaming PC which was 3x more powerful and 3x faster than the Xbox One. They were false advertising.
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Did they ever say they were playing on the actual console? In that case, I can see it, but if not, then they arn't really falsely adversing anything, even if they really shouldn't do it.


2 represenatives were holding XBone controllers and were playing Killer Instinct with it.  They were playing on PCs instead.

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2 represenatives were holding XBone controllers and were playing Killer Instinct with it. They were playing on PCs instead.

Many PC games support Xbox controllers, on top of that developers almost always use controllers when testing, Even if it's running on pc, so it makes sense
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That man is a master of question dodging and misdirection. he might have been polite and respectful about it, but he dodged a ton of those questions. Watch the video and ask yourself how much did he really confirm and deny about the XBone ad how much of it was new vs. old information. almost every time Joe was getting into the deeper questions, he turned the question around and threw Joe off his train of thought. "Do you want to go to the future with me?" and "Are you a Programmer Joe?" were possibly the best interview redirections I've ever heard in my life.


On the other hand, the whole phone thing and increased friends list was a wonderful way to change the policies they implemented. there's still a lot more they need to roll back or fix in order to fix up the game.

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Have they actually managed to fix it?

I think they only dropped down the probability of it happening. my cousins is on one quarter red. but the earlier ps3 had one too. even though it was easier to fix. (and by easier I mean it was possible to stall it for 5 months)  

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I think they only dropped down the probability of it happening. my cousins is on one quarter red. but the earlier ps3 had one too. even though it was easier to fix. (and by easier I mean it was possible to stall it for 5 months)  

ylod was fixed by the slim model. rrod was not actually fixed ever. Wee.
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ylod was fixed by the slim model. rrod was not actually fixed ever. Wee.

My largest question to this is why didn't they fix it? it couldn't possibly be so hard to find the design flaw and fix it in the future models could it?

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The whole thing about them changing the way used games work, Sony is still doing that where the devolopers can deside what they want to do with it, and the first party are always resellable? That's probably what they're going to do, as I hardly doubt the the devolopers would not be allowed to do as such, as that would probably make them angry.

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I think they've been lying at some point.


If the original idea was that the non first party games have control over whether they can be resold or not, then at this stage agreements would be in place around that. Which suggests them getting rid of those agreements so easily seems bad to me, especially when said companies already have deals with Sony as well. Which suggests they lied about this in the first place.


But if this is a lie...then Oh boy are they in for a world of trouble.


I'm probably wrong though.

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