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Kyouhaku's disintegration thing is too strong IMO and Tougijou's walls properties (burning the soul) as well. Kiretsu should be slightly dampened(power level) and the Hurricane Slash thing IMO slightly (slicing through all types of beings). Just some thoughts.

Also, would an exception for twin characters be allowed?

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Kyouhaku's disintegration thing is too strong IMO and Tougijou's walls properties (burning the soul) as well. Kiretsu should be slightly dampened(power level) and the Hurricane Slash thing IMO slightly (slicing through all types of beings). Just some thoughts.

Hmm... dunno about removing Tougijou's soul burning properties entirely, but I could make the soul burn more slowly, so that it becomes survivable under fast enough treatment, or if the affected being itself is powerful enough to recover off the damage (*cough*JokerPrimus*cough*)
As for Kyohaku, the disintegration effect is mostly there for lack of better wording. I was thinking of detailing how atoms get separated from the body, but in my eyes, that's pretty much using more words to achieve the same effect =/
Hurricane Slash and Kiretsu I don't see crossing the line in terms of power level, and I'm sure if Blu did, he would've said so already.




Almost done...just working for the flippin' attacks...
Trying to come up with good ones are becoming hard _-_

Coming up with good attacks? That's the easy part! The hard part's doing all the nit-picky balancing...

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Seeing as how I didn't put my app as a "WIP" I'm going to assume that means I'm locked in. Oh well, I did my best.


As for the hardest part to me? I would say including all of the nuances that really makes a character full and believable.

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I was hoping neither was that. >.> Spacial shift seems to be a more physical effect in one plane, which while does allow you to dodge effectively, does not allow you to 'ghost' an attack. 'Phasing' in this RP seems more akin to dimension travelling, which would likely not be an instantaneous process.

Hence why I produced 'Ghosting' as one of my character's abilities; the ability to actually 'ghost' through an attack. It is also accompanied by suitable drawbacks which means you cannot spam it, so as to become invulnerable.

Also, I would advise not having such an ability on a hyper-offense/offense orientated character, as that could be classified as OPed; allowing such a character to be able to dodge so effectively would result in an 'ultimate' attacker; he merely ghosts through his opponent's first attack, appears behind them, and unleashes a powerful attack on their back.

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"There's a fine line between what's real and what could be real. What's real is what we are conscious of. What could be real is what our conscience is not programmed to see, for not all people were made to see infinity and not wither away in a void of thought."

Personal Information
Username: Observative Joker
Name: Hiraku Kazue - 拓和枝
Age: 17
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: May 18, 1996
Blood Type: O
Hobby(s): Drawing, writing screenplays, daydreaming
High School Year: 2nd year
Personality: Hiraku was born autistic, however it took 12 years before his parents brought him to a doctor to diagnose him as such. This autism of Hiraku showed with his inhuman ability to scan an environment with one glance and describe it entirely by the tiniest detail within any time frame. Hiraku's autism was more contemporarily described as Asperger's Syndrome with his hesitation to get involved in any social activity throughout his years of growing up. He never considered anyone to be his friend despite how they address themselves as such. Hiraku prefers to spend his time outside in scenic landscapes than inside any kind of building, where occasionally he would take a sketchbook out and draw what he saw in front of him. His artistic personality made him a well-respected person around his peers.

Combat Information
Mahou (魔法) Paintbrush: Meaning "magic" paintbrush, this artistic tool gives Hiraku the power to bring whatever he draws to life so long as it can fit through the area of the sketchbook.
Niku ni Nuru (肉に塗る): "Paint from Flesh", a hatchet that Hiraku named to describe what the axe draws when it's driven into anything that bleeds, symbolizing the blood as red paint. Hiraku has the power to draw a deceased person and bring them back to life temporarily by drawing blood from their corpse with Niku ni Nuru and applying it to the drawing while summoning them.

Phasing: As a Joker, Hiraku has the ability to phase between the material world and Limbo.
Sukecchi Seikatsu (スケッチ生活): "Sketch Life", the ability to draw anything and summon it from the paper in realistic form.

Nekurosukecchi (ネクロスケッチ): "Necrosketch", cooperates with Sukecchi Seikatsu, but requires the blood of a deceased person in order to bring them back to life through the sketch book. Once the spell is cast, however, the paper begins to slowly disintegrate, and the body slowly begins to dissipate back into Limbo.


Special Attack(s):
Practically every attack from Hiraku comes from his Sukecchi Seikatsu ability, but the moves he considers special are the ones he uses most often:
Honoo ga Funshutsu (炎が噴出) - Flame Gush: A torrent of flames spurt out, scalding anything within its reach.
Arashi Raida (嵐ライダー) - Tempest Rider: A giant cumulonimbus cloud is conjured up, and Hiraku rides it and controls the power of the tempest to strike lightning wherever he wishes.

Shuriken no Arashi (手裏剣の嵐) - Shuriken Storm: Using wind as a&nbsp;complementing&nbsp;adhesive to a barrage of shuriken, Hiraku whirls around in a cyclone fashion as shuriken spit out at extremely high speeds in all directions.&nbsp;&nbsp;</div>

Other Information
Hiraku has an inept fear of sudden loud noises, balloons, stand-up urinals, and objects in the sky that, if closer, would cover up the area.

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Whew, that is a mess Admin4 O.O


A few notes though; your app is inconsistent with the RPs plot, and your character's Autism doesn't sound a lot like Asperger's(coming from a Asperger's sufferer, albeit a mild case); it sounds like it's a bit higher functioning.

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Ahh, it's always nice to see participants discussing RP-related topics ^_^

Now to answer some inquiries.

Are you allowed to have pretty strong powers? Because Admirals' seems kinda over powered, while yours seems a bit weaker.

I don't recommend giving your characters strong powers. Simply because it is the beginning of the RP so your character will naturally grow and develop stronger powers along the way.

I'll be patient and wait for the review period. When do you expect it to be Blu?

I haven't decided on a definite cut off date for apps yet. Maybe by late Friday.

Seeing as how I didn't put my app as a "WIP" I'm going to assume that means I'm locked in. Oh well, I did my best.

Not necessarily locked in. If the deadline for apps hasn't arrived, then you're still able to make edits for your app.

I still don't completely get Phasing. Is it like Tobi/Obito's warping, so I can use it to dodge?

Magnet got it right. Phasing is not an instantaneous process so you can't use it to dodge. It's basically just a means of traveling between the material world and Limbo. The process of Phasing takes around a good 10-15 seconds depending on your height and skill level at manipulating space, time, and matter. And while you're in the process of Phasing, you're still susceptible to attacks and if you are attacked and the Phasing is disrupted, you entire body is sent back into the current realm. So a completed Phase is when your entire body disappears through the surface of the current realm. So since it's a slow process, dodging attacks is next to impossible. Even Schwarz, who is a Joker Primus, must take at least 7 seconds to Phase.

Admin4, wow, that is a mess. Can you attempt to fix it? Also, Magnet is correct. You're supposed to become a Joker during the events of the RP not before it.

Zaifire, I will look forward to your app :]
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