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How would you affect the Story

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lets see...


Beat jaden in... 3 turns... less... idk


then while he's in a depression' date=' kill him and make it look like suicide.


then beat everyone else, beat sartorious, and win.


graduate in my 2nd year.

owned Duel Academy.



you guys no you can expand on what you'll do in other season thereafter, don't you.

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The Darkness.


The Darkness and the Shadow Realm are 2 Totally different things.


in the original Yugioh, with subbs, there was no "Shadow Realm", it was "Die", or "In a coma".


when they went into darkness, it was just called "Darkness" "Shadows" or anything to that effect.

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The Darkness.


The Darkness and the Shadow Realm are 2 Totally different things.


in the original Yugioh' date=' with subbs, there was no "Shadow Realm", it was "Die", or "In a coma".


when they went into darkness, it was just called "Darkness" "Shadows" or anything to that effect.



where not talking about original where talking about GX and 4 kids dubs it as shadow realm dude.


stop trying to defend people, people make mistakes let them learn from it.


The Shadow Duelist (2)


The duel between Jaden and Titan continues, Jaden is losing badly to Titan's demon monsters. As their apparent shadow game continues, Jaden discovers the shadow game is fake when he hears Winged Kuriboh speak to him. Titan runs away, Jaden chasing after him, when they run into a real shadow game! They continue the fight, Jaden finally able to counter and Titan's dice rolling isn't as lucky now. Titan is swallowed by darkness and Alexis wakes up with a picture of her brother, the only thing left of him she has now.


it clearly states in this episode summary shadow game, which implies existence of shadow realm. It also states encounter of real Shadow game which means in GX the shadow realm does exist.

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The Darkness.


The Darkness and the Shadow Realm are 2 Totally different things.


in the original Yugioh' date=' with subbs, there was no "Shadow Realm", it was "Die", or "In a coma".


when they went into darkness, it was just called "Darkness" "Shadows" or anything to that effect.



where not talking about original where talking about GX and 4 kids dubs it as shadow realm dude.


stop trying to defend people, people make mistakes let them learn from it.


The Shadow Duelist (2)


The duel between Jaden and Titan continues, Jaden is losing badly to Titan's demon monsters. As their apparent shadow game continues, Jaden discovers the shadow game is fake when he hears Winged Kuriboh speak to him. Titan runs away, Jaden chasing after him, when they run into a real shadow game! They continue the fight, Jaden finally able to counter and Titan's dice rolling isn't as lucky now. Titan is swallowed by darkness and Alexis wakes up with a picture of her brother, the only thing left of him she has now.


it clearly states in this episode summary shadow game, which implies existence of shadow realm. It also states encounter of real Shadow game which means in GX the shadow realm does exist.


The Shadow Realm doesn't exist in GX either; in GX, it's still about Darkness.


The Shadow Realm is invented by 4Kids, exists only in the 4Kids dub, and is only recognized by those who watch the 4Kids dub. It was invented because 4Kids thinks that American kids will all become psychopaths if one character dies on a TV show (unlike Japanese kids, for whom this has had no adverse effect.


A Shadow Game is a "Yami no Game", or "Game of Darkness", in the Japanese version. Shadow Games that occur in the so-called Shadow Realm in the 4Kids dub take place in an alternate dimension or in Hell in the Japanese.


Since 4Kids does not determine the canon, the Shadow Realm is not canon.

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The Darkness.


The Darkness and the Shadow Realm are 2 Totally different things.


in the original Yugioh' date=' with subbs, there was no "Shadow Realm", it was "Die", or "In a coma".


when they went into darkness, it was just called "Darkness" "Shadows" or anything to that effect.



where not talking about original where talking about GX and 4 kids dubs it as shadow realm dude.


stop trying to defend people, people make mistakes let them learn from it.


The Shadow Duelist (2)


The duel between Jaden and Titan continues, Jaden is losing badly to Titan's demon monsters. As their apparent shadow game continues, Jaden discovers the shadow game is fake when he hears Winged Kuriboh speak to him. Titan runs away, Jaden chasing after him, when they run into a real shadow game! They continue the fight, Jaden finally able to counter and Titan's dice rolling isn't as lucky now. Titan is swallowed by darkness and Alexis wakes up with a picture of her brother, the only thing left of him she has now.


it clearly states in this episode summary shadow game, which implies existence of shadow realm. It also states encounter of real Shadow game which means in GX the shadow realm does exist.


The Shadow Realm doesn't exist in GX either; in GX, it's still about Darkness.


The Shadow Realm is invented by 4Kids, exists only in the 4Kids dub, and is only recognized by those who watch the 4Kids dub. It was invented because 4Kids thinks that American kids will all become psychopaths if one character dies on a TV show (unlike Japanese kids, for whom this has had no adverse effect.


A Shadow Game is a "Yami no Game", or "Game of Darkness", in the Japanese version. Shadow Games that occur in the so-called Shadow Realm in the 4Kids dub take place in an alternate dimension or in Hell in the Japanese.


Since 4Kids does not determine the canon, the Shadow Realm is not canon.


Canon, in the context of a fictional universe, comprises those novels, stories, films, etc., that are considered to be genuine or officially sanctioned, and those events, characters, settings, etc., that are considered to have existence within the fictional universe. In order for a setting to appear cohesive, especially in fictions that contain multiple parts, both creators and audiences sometimes find it useful to define what has and has not "actually happened" in that universe.


now what determines if it's cannon or not,should I believe it's not cannon because you say so. 4 kids is a dub company that basically alters the words or edit out scenes, so shadow realm= shadow. Why can't you guys just get that. They may change around some stuff when it comes to dialogue but the premise is still their. I say shadow realm because I watch the dub, why we gotta make a big fuss about the difference in meaning of japanese to american version when the same premise of understanding is their. I'm referring to the dark dimension which was shown throughout the whole of yu-gi-oh, plain and simple. We don't gotta make a big fuss about it, the same meaning is still their.


It's like where arguing on whether Yugi's name is Atem or Atemu, you'd say Atem is cannon because it wasn't in the Japanese dub,god. People watch different versions.

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The Darkness.


The Darkness and the Shadow Realm are 2 Totally different things.


in the original Yugioh' date=' with subbs, there was no "Shadow Realm", it was "Die", or "In a coma".


when they went into darkness, it was just called "Darkness" "Shadows" or anything to that effect.



where not talking about original where talking about GX and 4 kids dubs it as shadow realm dude.


stop trying to defend people, people make mistakes let them learn from it.


The Shadow Duelist (2)


The duel between Jaden and Titan continues, Jaden is losing badly to Titan's demon monsters. As their apparent shadow game continues, Jaden discovers the shadow game is fake when he hears Winged Kuriboh speak to him. Titan runs away, Jaden chasing after him, when they run into a real shadow game! They continue the fight, Jaden finally able to counter and Titan's dice rolling isn't as lucky now. Titan is swallowed by darkness and Alexis wakes up with a picture of her brother, the only thing left of him she has now.


it clearly states in this episode summary shadow game, which implies existence of shadow realm. It also states encounter of real Shadow game which means in GX the shadow realm does exist.


The Shadow Realm doesn't exist in GX either; in GX, it's still about Darkness.


The Shadow Realm is invented by 4Kids, exists only in the 4Kids dub, and is only recognized by those who watch the 4Kids dub. It was invented because 4Kids thinks that American kids will all become psychopaths if one character dies on a TV show (unlike Japanese kids, for whom this has had no adverse effect.


A Shadow Game is a "Yami no Game", or "Game of Darkness", in the Japanese version. Shadow Games that occur in the so-called Shadow Realm in the 4Kids dub take place in an alternate dimension or in Hell in the Japanese.


Since 4Kids does not determine the canon, the Shadow Realm is not canon.


Canon, in the context of a fictional universe, comprises those novels, stories, films, etc., that are considered to be genuine or officially sanctioned, and those events, characters, settings, etc., that are considered to have existence within the fictional universe. In order for a setting to appear cohesive, especially in fictions that contain multiple parts, both creators and audiences sometimes find it useful to define what has and has not "actually happened" in that universe.


now what determines if it's cannon or not,should I believe it's not cannon because you say so. 4 kids is a dub company that basically alters the words or edit out scenes, so shadow realm= shadow. Why can't you guys just get that. They may change around some stuff when it comes to dialogue but the premise is still their. I say shadow realm because I watch the dub, why we gotta make a big fuss about the difference in meaning of japanese to american version when the same premise of understanding is their. I'm referring to the dark dimension which was shown throughout the whole of yu-gi-oh, plain and simple. We don't gotta make a big fuss about it, the same meaning is still their.


It's like where arguing on whether Yugi's name is Atem or Atemu, you'd say Atem is cannon because it wasn't in the Japanese dub,god. People watch different versions.


"Canon" is commonly defined as what is officially sanctioned by the creator; adaptations contain non-canon material. Therefore, the 4Kids dub is not canon.


Also, it isn't always about there being an alternate dark world or whatever; 4Kids uses the Shadow Realm as a blanket for everything. In Season 3, for example, when Marik sends Joey to the "Shadow Realm", he actually just puts Joey into a coma.

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The Darkness.


The Darkness and the Shadow Realm are 2 Totally different things.


in the original Yugioh' date=' with subbs, there was no "Shadow Realm", it was "Die", or "In a coma".


when they went into darkness, it was just called "Darkness" "Shadows" or anything to that effect.



where not talking about original where talking about GX and 4 kids dubs it as shadow realm dude.


stop trying to defend people, people make mistakes let them learn from it.


The Shadow Duelist (2)


The duel between Jaden and Titan continues, Jaden is losing badly to Titan's demon monsters. As their apparent shadow game continues, Jaden discovers the shadow game is fake when he hears Winged Kuriboh speak to him. Titan runs away, Jaden chasing after him, when they run into a real shadow game! They continue the fight, Jaden finally able to counter and Titan's dice rolling isn't as lucky now. Titan is swallowed by darkness and Alexis wakes up with a picture of her brother, the only thing left of him she has now.


it clearly states in this episode summary shadow game, which implies existence of shadow realm. It also states encounter of real Shadow game which means in GX the shadow realm does exist.


The Shadow Realm doesn't exist in GX either; in GX, it's still about Darkness.


The Shadow Realm is invented by 4Kids, exists only in the 4Kids dub, and is only recognized by those who watch the 4Kids dub. It was invented because 4Kids thinks that American kids will all become psychopaths if one character dies on a TV show (unlike Japanese kids, for whom this has had no adverse effect.


A Shadow Game is a "Yami no Game", or "Game of Darkness", in the Japanese version. Shadow Games that occur in the so-called Shadow Realm in the 4Kids dub take place in an alternate dimension or in Hell in the Japanese.


Since 4Kids does not determine the canon, the Shadow Realm is not canon.


Canon, in the context of a fictional universe, comprises those novels, stories, films, etc., that are considered to be genuine or officially sanctioned, and those events, characters, settings, etc., that are considered to have existence within the fictional universe. In order for a setting to appear cohesive, especially in fictions that contain multiple parts, both creators and audiences sometimes find it useful to define what has and has not "actually happened" in that universe.


now what determines if it's cannon or not,should I believe it's not cannon because you say so. 4 kids is a dub company that basically alters the words or edit out scenes, so shadow realm= shadow. Why can't you guys just get that. They may change around some stuff when it comes to dialogue but the premise is still their. I say shadow realm because I watch the dub, why we gotta make a big fuss about the difference in meaning of japanese to american version when the same premise of understanding is their. I'm referring to the dark dimension which was shown throughout the whole of yu-gi-oh, plain and simple. We don't gotta make a big fuss about it, the same meaning is still their.


It's like where arguing on whether Yugi's name is Atem or Atemu, you'd say Atem is cannon because it wasn't in the Japanese dub,god. People watch different versions.


"Canon" is commonly defined as what is officially sanctioned by the creator; adaptations contain non-canon material. Therefore, the 4Kids dub is not canon.


Also, it isn't always about there being an alternate dark world or whatever; 4Kids uses the Shadow Realm as a blanket for everything. In Season 3, for example, when Marik sends Joey to the "Shadow Realm", he actually just puts Joey into a coma.


stop arguing and trying to get the last word, I make a simple comment and your putting it into this big thing. man get over it ok.


Also you are wrong about Joey thing, Marik did send him to the shadow realm but Joey was able to break away from it.


I listed a definition of what cannon so why do you feel the need to tell me your version of it. Also your definition doesn't make sense 4 kids had to have gotten the rights from someone right so who did they get it from ah,if they didn't get the rights to the show they would have bee sued,your not making sense get over it and move on.


Jeez this whole argument is pointless.

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