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This deck didn't seem to random when I was making it. lol


Ideas for this deck include:

- Replace something with another Slicer.

- Switch out the Oppressions and Counters, then put in some SS cards and Thessy support.

- Find a way to add in Royal Firestorm Guard/POA


Monsters: 22

[2]Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch

[3]Solar Flare Dragon

[3]Volcanic Shell

[3]Volcanic Scattershot

[3]Volcanic Rocket

[3]Volcanic Slicer

[2]Volcanic Counter

[1]Snipe Hunter



Spells: 9 ((the deck list it 40, but somehow here it adds up to 41))

[2]Blaze Accelerator

[1]Tri-Blaze Accelerator

[1]Brain Control

[1]Mystical Space Typhoon

[1]Smashing Ground

[1]Lightning Vortex

[1]Wave-Motion Cannon



Traps: 10

[3]Royal Oppression

[3]Dark Bribe

[2]Transmigration Prophecy

[1]Torrential Tribute

[1]Dust Trapshoot





[2]Grinder Golem

[2]Foolish Burial

[2]Solemn Judgment

[2]Soul Exchange

[1]Thestalos the Firestorm Monarch


[2]Divine Wrath

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